Breaking The Herd Mentality

by Lori Anne Hale
The Church barely resembles its original form in the current structure from Breaking the Herd Mentality | My Daily Letters - MDL

It is time for the herd mentality that exists within My flock to be broken, for I did not call the Church to resemble cookie-cutter cutouts of itself, where each assembly has the same flow and appearance (though with slight variations).

Yet, if one were to visit a few different congregations, what he would encounter are bodies which claim to be unique, but actually operate in the same model as the rest, where services are moderated to fit into a set schedule, beginning and ending at specified times so that attendees don’t become disgruntled by meetings which are too long for their liking. And though there are midweek gatherings designed to foster a sense of community within the flock, these are usually ‘discussion groups’ who gather to review the pastor’s latest sermon, again set to a specific time frame and format.

This is not the depiction illustrated in Scripture of how the Church is supposed to look or behave when they gather together. Early believers were not bound to the clock, and all were encouraged to participate when they met. It wasn’t only a few who were showcased out in front or elevated on platforms, each believer was valued as a necessary part of My Body.

Sadly, the current structure of the Church barely resembles what once existed at her inception, for the model most believers have experienced was established by those who were the more religious: those who were responsible for defining roles amongst the faithful. And so division was made, a separation between the clergy and the laity, which to this day is embraced as the correct hierarchical order for My Church. So now, instead of using raised pulpits which looked down on parishioners, pastors today are propped up on stages, so that the whole building knows that he is the main attraction of the service. And in return, those who come to hear the pastor speak have become nothing more than an audience whose only role is to listen while the preacher delivers his message.

Though some congregations may be a bit more demonstrative in their expressions of worship, and who openly welcome My Spirit, this is on a conditional basis, where He’s constrained and not allowed to freely flow as I would wish for My children: those who were created to move in unison with Him.Their old perception of the Church God has come to break believers free by Breaking the Herd Mentality | My Daily Letters - MDL

So like a giant hammer designed to break apart concrete, My hand has come upon the Church to smash this old perception which most believers hold as members of the Body of Christ. But to change this mindset, a little disruption was necessary, for I had to pull them out of what they considered ‘Scriptural’, in order to show them what My will has been all along.

However, while some will readily embrace this redefinition of the Church, many will fight against this change, for these are happy to keep with the status quo. Because of their unwillingness to yield, a congregational representation of My Body will still be found in this nation where, sadly, those who do not want the greater anointing which came during the pandemic will reside. And so, though quite a few of these are saved, they are uncomfortable with stepping into the deeper spiritual life I created for every believer.

Yet right now, in this season, I have come to pour out My Spirit on those who are willing, those who long for a walk that is distinct because it is flush with His breath moving through their inner man; and so revival has come to these, for they stood ready for His arrival. Therefore, since these have anticipated that a mighty move of My Spirit was coming to this land, and their hearts were eager to meet Him when He came, He rested upon their households because they made room for Him to visit.

So then rouse from your slumber all you who are sleeping, for My Spirit is on the move and He is seeking those who will avail their hearts to Me. Therefore, surrender your hearts once again on My altar, and while there, lay aside the old notions of how to function as the Church, for I have come to do a “new thing”, meaning the former way of operating as My Body will not work, for it will not bring forth what I am doing now.

Then cast off this old wineskin, for it does not have the capacity to contain the fresh wine I am about to pour out upon My children, those who have already begun preparing for this outpouring to come.


“Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:20-22

(Received: 8/14/2020)

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