Restoring Honor To His Name

by Lori Anne Hale
The Church must change the tier system it has created Restoring Honor to His Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

In order to receive the “new” I am sending, the Church must break free from her old and antiquated ways of operating corporately. And so, this season wherein My people are currently standing must therefore intensify, so that these unproductive practices can be broken off.

Then the time has come for My whole Body to adjust the way in which they gather, where the emphasis is placed upon Me rather than on the pastors, for many of these men and women of God have been given more honor than is given to My name. Although the Scriptures say believers should hold high respect for their leaders, these verses have been misinterpreted to hold a meaning which goes beyond My original intentions. As a result, the Church has been taught to elevate their leaders to a higher position within the Body, and that they’re not to question the decisions made by these men and women, which is often viewed as an oppositional and destructive behavior.

However, I do not want My Church to stay in this unhealthy state, for it has caused a blockage in the spiritual realm, where Holy Spirit is unable to freely flow, as those “in charge” are often fearful of what their congregational meetings would look like if He were left to run the show.

The widespread custom practiced in My churches has primarily been to see leaders functioning in their gifts while the majority just take a seat. Yet this has not created a thriving Body, one that is strong and equipped, for, in this environment, most in the Church have little to no understanding about their identity and who I created them to be. And while some pulpit teachings have been helpful, these pastors are feeding believers stale scraps from the old dry teachings of the past.In the Body each believer must be seen as having the same value from Restoring Honor to His Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so, the time has come for the moldy bread to be thrown out, as I have come during these days to replenish My children with fresh manna from heaven.

However, this new revelation I desire to bestow upon the Church will not fall into place until she has broken free from the outdated structure which she insists is My design. For though a congregational structure makes gathering convenient, this form of large meeting leaves the multitude of believers without the sense of responsibility for discovering their own identity in Me, or even, for that matter, nurturing a desire to run hard after My presence. Instead, most are content to fill up on what they hear from the pulpit, because parishioners are taught that what is gleaned here is the only food they will need for the whole week, holding them until they come back the next Sunday to refuel.

So whether they realize it or not, standing at the center of most congregations are the pastors, and not Me, or My Son. Although we are given some credit for having our names mentioned when believers meet, yet quite a few parishioners are more interested in rubbing elbows with the pastor than drawing closer to Me.

But this must change, with the emphasis of church meetings being focused on My presence within their gatherings, where each member takes ownership of the role they play in the Body. Yet not in the sense of how they assist in the logistical flow of service on Sunday mornings, but rather to grab hold of their identity in Me and begin using the gifts I have bestowed upon each one of them for edifying the Body.Within the Church Gods lordship must be upheld by Restoring Honor to His Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although most churches have instituted smaller weeknight meetings, these are still ‘pastor-centric’, where what is discussed and examined is his Sunday message. But yet again, what is absent is the spiritual flow I had intended to arise when My children gathered.

This is why a second phase of adversity was added to this season. For while most escaped the clutches of illness by avoiding the virus, they still have not recognized that their hearts were taken captive by fear, as even many believers are now subdued by this evil spirit. This is directly because the large majority of My children have neither been taught about their real identity, or the authority they carry.

Let the eyes of My own not dwell on the chaotic atmosphere which lies before them, but instead let their sights be set on the One whose name is higher than all the struggles of man. And because I shall not take a backseat to anyone, I have come to take the place at center stage where My own form a tight circle around Me alone, instead of a spiritual teacher or pastor.

And so, My own must look closely at who has been exalted within their hearts, since it is quite easy to stumble when elevating a ‘tangible’ person over that of the ‘invisible’ God. Nonetheless, My Lordship must be upheld in their lives, for the days where the leaders in My church are treated like royalty are ending, in order that a better form of the Church can emerge.

This does not mean that those placed as overseers should not be shown healthy respect. But instead, consider each person within My Body as having the same value as all others. Consequently then, the tier system which the Church has embraced must change. For the only “climbing” I want found in My ranks is of those who are ascending the spiritual mountain to where My presence dwells.

“Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind. Let them exalt Him in the assembly of the people and praise Him in the council of the elders.” Psalm 107:31-32

(Received: 10/26/2020)

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