It’s Not Over

by Lori Anne Hale
The scheme to distort the election results God shall reveal so Its Not Over | My Daily Letters - MDL

The hammer and the sickle were symbols of a nation that no longer exists. I was not pleased to leave its people behind this thick curtain of Communistic rule because those who controlled this land had the same desire for world domination that is prevalent in some others who are national leaders today. Although the new territories that have formed since this curtain came down are still led by an ungodly sort, none of these now smaller countries can boast enough power to be of much consequence on the world stage.

However, there is a certain leader over this region who, because he still craves the spotlight, has joined forces with other nations, forming a political alliance whose main objective, right now, is to unseat the current American President. These foreign leaders are seeking to stop his mission to strengthen this country and her standing in the world. Although this ‘Bear’ is not much of a threat on his own, yet by forming an alliance with these other autocrats which conspires to unseat the current Head of State, this despotic leader hopes to gain the needed leverage to retake the power which was lost to his nation several decades ago.

And since those who led the United States before her current Commander-in-Chief sought to weaken her borders, thus intentionally making her people vulnerable to certain forms of enemy attack, they have created a governmental climate which has now made it possible for her sovereignty to be challenged by economic and cyber assaults.

Then indeed there was tampering in this election, but not to the benefit of the sitting President. The claims of outside interference are true, yet it is those that had previously declared “collusion” who have actually opened the door for these foreign agents to affect the ballot tallies. And because the initial vote count appears to give the President’s contender the win, his party will, of course, deny foreign involvement happened at all, and that the people have spoken…it’s just that simple.

However, these shall sing a different tune as the numbers change when their fraudulent scheme to distort the true count is revealed, and most, if not all of the phony ballots are thrown out. Then, just as before, this foreign nation will again be to blame for the unfavorable results.The deceptive web designed to steal this election God will fully expose so Its Not Over | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh, what a mess man creates when he chooses to partner with pride and self-reliance. For these two voices, if heeded, will only ever lead him into a dark web of destruction, where it seems he is the one in control; that is until daylight reveals he has been caught by a trap of his own making. But how fortunate for man that I retain the foresight to see both his every decision, and the eventuality of his choices, which together, enable Me to unravel the knotted net of corruption he purposely set up to complicate this election process.

Let none, then, be overwhelmed by what they see and hear, as very few who were once known as trusted sources are actually conveying the truth. This election is far from over, and, as such, should not be counted as done, for I will have My say no matter what man does to block My will.

Then let those who sought to subvert the outcome of this election be forewarned that I have come to right this wrong. And when it is overturned, you shall know the full measure of My justice as it falls upon your heads. For what are the schemes of man to Me? With a wave of My hand, I can wipe out any who oppose Me.

So to those who are with Me, I say: Be unwavering in your faith! Even when it looks as if all is lost, I am still able to change the outcome of any circumstance. Do not give room to doubt! For neither the media, the opposing party, nor any foreign leader has the final say on who shall prevail and lay claim to the title of President of the United States. This decision is up to Me! 

Then dismiss doubt and cast off fear, and be at rest in your inner man. For you soon shall see My hand sweep away all the misinformation, and fully expose the deceptive web designed to steal this election.

“But He stands alone, and who can oppose Him? He does whatever he pleases.”  Job 23:13

(Received: 11/25/2020)

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