The Courage Of A Matador

by Lori Anne Hale
In every battle believers start from a place of victory from The Courage Of A Matador | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Does a matador run for the gate when the bull comes charging? Does he search the arena for some avenue of escape, or does he firmly stand his ground ready to face the advance of this stubborn beast?

So though outmatched in size, yet with steely determination, he faces his opponent, knowing in his heart that it’s he who really possesses the advantage. For while this giant beast may be an intimidating mass, the matador has been armed, not only with swords, but with an understanding of this aggressor, for he carefully studied this creature and can easily discern the bull’s plan of attack; since the instinctual behavior of this animal has not evolved over time.

It’s not just this knowledge alone that keeps the matador from running, but the courage he carries within, for this toreador steps into the ring with the confidence of a victor already carried in his heart. Because of this internal assurance, he does not doubt his chances of success, and so welcomes the fight, eager to engage any contender who steps out onto this battlefield.

Then what about My children? Have they approached their current circumstances with this same perspective; for haven’t they already been given the victory? Hasn’t the enemy of their soul already been defeated? Since this is true, it should be assumed that triumph is theirs at the onset of the contest. So as a result, none should be asking, “Shall we win?”, as I have already guaranteed it. The correct response would seem to be, “Victory is ours!”.

So lay aside your simplistic ideas of how this shall be accomplished, for even a de facto government poses no threat to My army when it marches. And while the enemy is predictable and has become rather tiresome, remain alert in your warfare, for he often tries to outmaneuver My troops. But those who are found surveying the field of battle shall not be caught off guard, as these have already bolstered their defensive lines to prevent him from breaking through.

Then to those who are still actively campaigning in the current battle being fought, lay aside any speculations about how victory might be achieved. For I tell you this day that it shall be My hand that brings it about. This is why you needn’t be troubled in your hearts by what is happening in the physical realm. When we fight, it is against the unseen forces of darkness; they are the real objective.

Understand that your marching orders remain unchanged, which are: to pray for full exposure of corruption in the seats of government and that My hand of justice comes to set right the inequity done to this nation.

Then do not fear the charging foe that is coming against this nation, for you are cloaked in the red robes of righteousness, and equipped with the sword of the Spirit, which always sets My children with the advantage when entering any battle.

“In this way, He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.” -Colossians 2:15

(Received: 1/23/2021)

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