A Call To Action

by Lori Anne Hale
Because abortion has been accepted as a human right, the spirit of death has been woven into the fabric of this nation from A Call to Action| My Daily Letters - MDL

The fields of this nation are covered with the blood of the innocent because of the choice to destroy human life before it is born. Because those in high places have decreed this choice to murder the unborn as the law of the land, there are unforeseen consequences from the decision to mandate abortion to be an accepted practice across the country which have negatively impacted the attitude regarding a person’s true value.

For how is this abhorrent behavior any different than those who long ago sacrificed children on the altars to foreign gods? And because the citizenry of this nation has not only tolerated but accepted this law as a “Human Right”, the ‘spirit of death’ has been woven into its national fabric. This is why the structure of its political system has gotten so off-kilter, and the lies spread by the enemy are now considered the truth. For the avenue of attack he used (with abortion as his way in), has now become a strong hand, held around those in charge of making laws for the people. But this dark spirit is not alone, for he invited ‘greed’ to join him, and the two have formed a tight web of deception.

And because destruction is what these two are ultimately after, they seek the most innocent of all to be sacrificed on their altar by women who offer up their unborn children seeking the promise of freedom, which is only false hope. In addition, since deceiving mankind is also their goal, these evil spirits have created a twisted story about what this decision really does. So when the one found in “crisis” chooses to listen to these sinister voices, instead of true liberty, she finds herself entangled in their treacherous net, doomed to carry shame and guilt in her heart for the rest of her days. 

So then, not just one but two lives are destroyed because some who were leaders had agreed with the enemy’s misrepresentation of the facts, forming an alliance with darkness, whose thirst for blood is never satisfied. For in times past, the drumbeat of death drew many to march to his cadence as the legality of their choice made it seem alright to end the lives they carried. But now there is found an intense push to break off the former limits established when this law was first put into practice. And since this evil spirit understands what the current generations of mankind will tolerate, he has now wrapped his destructive ideas in a sterile and sanitary package, expanding his lie so that “medical procedure” is the term used to describe this heinous practice of murder.

Since that time, how many innocent children have been lost and how many more are yet to be extinguished? 

Overturning the laws surrounding abortion falls on the shoulders of every believer as their responsibility from A Call to Action | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh, how far this nation has fallen and how deep is the pit where it now rests! For it is not simply a matter of changing a law that will rescue it from this plight, but the core of this great country must shift so that the spirits of death and greed are not leading those who are elected. However, for this to happen means My children must make a stand by clearing these dark forces out of their communities. So to each of My own, it is incumbent upon them and their willingness to enter into battle and see this law overturned. 

However, the responsibility of this “Call to Action” is not to be passed and fall on the shoulders of another, for My body as a whole should be unified in their prayers to break this continuing arrangement which the nation’s leaders have made with the enemy. For which law written in its annals is so depraved as this, as it literally gives a mother the right to kill her own child in the womb.

So then, My children should be concerned about this edict remaining in place, as these evil spirits are willing to go even farther than current limits to have their wicked desires met. For would it be too big a stretch to think these dark forces might even entice some in charge to change the existing laws in favor of giving the government power to decide who, of any among us, has the right to live?

Therefore, My own must rise up and contend over this issue because it is My army alone who can defeat these evil spirits. However, My children should join with the flow of My heart which is focused on restoration instead of judgment. So then, when some encounter a woman faced with this decision, it is My love that should greet her and not words of condemnation. For whose heart is ever really won over to the Truth when this attitude is present?

Oh, sons and daughters, this is your “Call to Action”! Let My body, with voices raised to Heaven, overthrow the evil that has been allowed to infiltrate its communities. For as My own are unified in this purpose, then they will see the value and dignity of human life restored to their country.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

(Received: 10/31/2019)

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