A Divine Reordering

by Lori Anne Hale
To flow with His perfect will Gods hand is realigning the earth from A Divine Reordering | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then in these latter days, decisive shifts shall occur on the earth’s surface, as well as within the nations of man, for even creation itself must adjust to the new paradigm I am ushering in. And so throughout the earth, there shall be shaking and rumbling as evidence of this supernatural occurrence taking place, for all must come into alignment with My good and perfect will.

As a result, expect to see disruptions in the earth’s normal flow, with several natural catastrophes and evident changes to weather patterns. Though some will attribute these anomalies as further proof of ‘global warming, in reality, it is simply My hand repositioning the entire planet. Therefore, none should become alarmed, thinking the end of all days is upon them, as that time has not yet arrived.

Then watch for the rising tides, as this shall be further confirmation that a divine reordering has come upon the earth. See it as such, and do not count these calamitous events as mere happenstance, for indeed I have put into motion an alteration in the world’s course. Know that man’s current partnership with evil has caused a breach in the eternal timeline, but this rift shall not stand.

So then this season of shaking shall also physically shake the earth, causing increased apprehension to fill the hearts of many, as these who lack understanding shall assume the worst, thus accepting the lie that the planet is about to die; thinking that what they are seeing and hearing in the news is proof that their assumption is true. However, you who walk with discernment can ease their fears with words of truth, because you carry within the seeds of peace: those that were meant to be sewn into the lives of others.  

Then when you encounter another who is caught in the chains of fear, do not withhold nor neglect sharing the reason for your peace. For in the coming days the ground shall be ripe for harvest when many shall be easily snatched from the enemy’s grip and spared the fires of eternal damnation. 

It is time then for My children to speak up, as all around them are those who are perishing. Do not keep silent any longer, but look for every opportunity to spread the Gospel Message. This temporal pressure, added to the already building societal tensions, shall create prime soil for exponential growth to My Kingdom, enlarging its borders on every side.

Therefore, dear ones, while it is today, lay the groundwork for this global expansion with your prayers, so that creation itself will be in proper alignment to receive the bountiful harvest that is about to be known upon the earth.

For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.  I will shake all the nations, and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts” -Haggai 2:6-7


(Received: 3/12/2022)

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