An Undeserved Gesture Of Love

by Lori Anne Hale
Despite the wickedness they have done the wave of revival shall sweep through Tehran as An Undeserved Gesture Of Love

[Vision: The Lord highlighted the entire country of Iran. Then it was as if He cut open the ground so that I could see not only what was happening on the surface but underground as well. On the surface, I saw Tehran, with men milling around unaware that just beneath their feet a geyser was building. The Lord showed me that there was a river of bubbling water running throughout the region, like branches, all feeding into a pool that was increasing in force and size, underneath the capital. Suddenly, the Lord tapped the ground in the center of Tehran, and the geyser shot out of the ground, showering the entire nation with cool, refreshing water.]

Then I heard the Lord say:

In utter desolation do you stand, Tehran, for the message of Christ have you vehemently shunned, and the truth of His deity have you continually denied, so parched is the ground upon which you stand. However, buried deep beneath the ground is a wellspring of living water that shall soon burst forth like a fountain, openly flowing across your lands, as no longer must it be hidden away. Those heralds of faith that you once sought to silence shall then boldly proclaim the name Jesus Christ, the true Messiah of the world, as your methods of intimidation shall no longer be an effective tool against My children who dwell in your lands.

Oh, Tehran, though you have yet to embrace the Good News (for the prince of darkness has maintained control of your heart), still shall a great awakening come to your people, as a surge of Holy Spirit power shall move like a flood across the entirety of your nation with such force, that you will be unable to prevent its spread. Ah, then even among those devout men who swore their allegiance to “Allah” shall there be a surge of repentance, with many who have violently persecuted My followers, encountering Me as did Paul on the road to Damascus. These will then be unable to deny My Lordship, for in that moment will they comprehend the reality of My existence. 

So while, in recent days, your people have risen up to protest governmental abuse and cruelty, it is only by My hand that the longing for deliverance from your oppressive grip, Tehran, shall finally be satisfied. For I have come in this hour to remove the shroud of darkness that has for decades held your citizens captive, and has sought to strip basic human dignity from your women. But I tell you, Tehran, the days of lording Islamic rule over your people are quickly coming to an end, as I have decreed from My Throne that it is indeed time for a change in regime, where the rule of My Kingdom authority shall overthrow that agent of darkness which has held dominion over your nation, suppressing the intrinsic freedoms which were granted to all of humanity.

See then, Tehran, the overturning has already begun, for the Truth which you sought to abolish from your nation shall ascend like an anthem from the hearts of your people, as indeed shall the name of My Son be publicly praised without fear of the harsh penalties that, in the past, would have surely been known by many. Then with My sword in hand shall the meting out of My judgment fall upon you, so stained are your tunics with the blood of the martyred and those who suffered death due to your brutality. Did you think, Tehran, that I would not hold you accountable for those vile and senseless acts of aggression?

Ah, but who shall rise up and defend you, Tehran, from the penalties you are due? Shall that bloodthirsty god, Allah, come to your defense? Surely not! For sadly have you wasted decades worshipping at the altar of a false deity who fostered an atmosphere of fear so that your people lacked any sense of genuine peace.

Then say I, Tehran: The One you have despised and rejected shall ride in from the East upon a cloud of deliverance, sounding the horn of salvation to announce His arrival. And though it is undeserved, surely shall you receive mercy instead of My wrath, as I have heard the prayers of intercession on your behalf, uttered by the remnant that dwells within your borders.

However, you shall be unable to avoid the consequences of having allowed the laws of Islam to govern your people, as your agreement with its practices has given credence to the evil that Sharia espouses. It shall be difficult to drive it out in some communities, and as such, there will be those who shall still attempt to enforce strict adherence to its rigid tenets, causing some to pay the ultimate price for following Me.

Hear Me then, Tehran: Though from My wrath you shall be spared, there is still recompense you owe, and so shall you be held accountable for your rebellion when you turned your back on Me. Yet even still I shall answer your seditious act with an undeserved gesture of love, for surely shall the wave of revival sweep through your nation and change your destiny to align with the one I had envisioned.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

(Received: 11/4/2022)

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