A Magnitude Wave of Change

by Lori Anne Hale
Upon the earth has a time for a global reset begun to unfold from A Magnitude Wave Of Change | My Daily Letters - MDL

With a mighty boom shall the markets crash, taking with it the fortunes of many. Yet how quickly man forgets the rise and fall of a nation is ultimately determined by Me, so there is no need to fret.

Then those who thought themselves astute at trading within the margins shall find their calculations amiss, and though some may have lessened their risk through illegal means, they, too, shall be caught in this financial collapse, as insider information shall profit them nothing when this economic quake hits.

So like a natural disaster that seemingly occurs out of nowhere, so also shall the global economy be shaken. The wall that was built with speculation shall crumble down, for much of its facade was just an illusion that carried no real backing. Then a heavy cloud of despair shall cover the earth, as the ripple effect of this economic quake shall lessen the value of most every currency. Loud shall be the cries coming from the people of the earth, for those who had just enough shall know a diminished supply making it even more difficult to keep food on their tables, as the storehouses of wealth and supply shall surely be depleted. 

Though this dramatic downturn is avoidable, still to see the earth and all therein remain aligned with My perfect will, a magnitude wave of change shall ripple through each of the mountains erected by man, causing many who sit on lofty towers to know a pauper’s end. And while I have spoken out warning after warning that a time of intense shaking lay ahead, only a few have taken My words seriously; nonetheless, a global reset has begun. Yet the duration of this undulation, while profound, shall know a quickened end, for the One who is faithful has not ignored the prayers of His children. 

Then let those who walk with Me not enter these days with fear nor trepidation, for even when your households are threatened with want, am I not able to sustain you? Indeed I shall, as favor and blessing go before those who belong to Me, even in seasons of famine and drought.

Therefore, Beloved, anchor yourselves to My promises, not giving any room for doubt to creep in, as you are still securely nestled in the palm of My more than capable hands. That understanding alone should release peace into your souls even when the world is swirling in chaos and turbulence.

Anchor yourself in Me, anchor yourself in Me”, for here in this place of abiding you shall surely find rest.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear;  I will help you.” Isaiah 41:10-13

(Received: 5/20/2022)

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