A Nation Divided

by Lori Anne Hale
In America "differences" have become the focus instead of unity from A Nation Divided | My Daily Letters - MDL

When a nation stands divided, when it holds such a wide gap of dischord, it is inevitable that its people would, at some point, turn in upon themselves.

A land that is absent a common heart of unity will find it hard to stand because, when heavy attention is placed upon the differences found in the culture and not upon what tightens the bonds of kinship, then loyalty to this land becomes a hard sell, moving distrust and suspicion into the hearts of many who live there. For the idea that “America is evil and corrupt” is being floated through each level of society, and therefore, she must be punished for all the bad she has done, not only to other nations, but to her own citizens, as well.

So then quite a few have adapted to this mindset, and thereby struggle to see the virtues she still holds. For is there any other nation which invokes the dreams of prosperity and freedom in the hearts of those held by the iron shackles of foreign governments? For most who seek to migrate to a new land have America on the top of their list, for they only know a life of subjugation that offers very little room for any form of independence because autonomy is not guaranteed as a human right.

So then the chasm that has been cut across this nation, often thought to have been brought on by the political differences between the two main political parties in this land, actually originated from a more sinister and conniving entity: the one who is running loose out in the airwaves of this world. For Satan has never tired of his plot to destroy mankind. He will manipulate, and even cajole, to accomplish this goal, as he did with Eve, when he so deceptively appealed to her pride,  setting into motion the fall of man simply because she listened to him instead of listening to Me. The same is true in the present day; for the dark one is still roaming about seeking those he can snare: those who, like Eve, will take a bite out of the lies he is offering.

So then, filling this deep ravine, and seeing this wide gap drawn closer together, won’t be accomplished through political means. Any attempt to shift the country to one political leaning will only cause this crater  to widen, because many in this nation either have an independent streak, and are accustomed to thinking for themselves, or, as with some others, a “groupthink” mindset has been established, where going along with the collective is deemed more important than independent thought. For if a generation, as a whole, is taught this ”groupthink” as the method for processing through life, then how easy it would be to sway their opinions and shift how they view their place in the world?

When an individual accepts the notion that his identity is determined by society, then he will continually look to these opinions to support  his hypothesis about life and how to live it; one that parrots the popular views found in the current culture at the time. This is why there has been a strong attempt to teach the youth of today that they must rely on ‘the group’ to solve problems, for to have a society that won’t challenge the governmental order which some national leaders seek to implement, means filling the minds of a whole generation with this propaganda during their developmental years, when it is much easier to sway a mind before critical thinking skills have matured enough so that these youthful hearts begin to question what they are being told. The enemy knows that in order to take a territory, the youth in the land must be manipulated, and so he uses the pressure of their peers to bring intimidation, thereby causing a collective of thought and belief to form.

This is why the majority of those protesting are young, for these rely on the popular thoughts in their age group to shape their opinion, instead of evaluating for themselves if what is said is indeed the truth. So because the young lack the wisdom and discernment, they become impressionable targets, who are easy prey for the enemy to take and make captives. Then what is being witnessed out on the streets of America, resulted from the teaching of conformity, where the majority decides how the whole group should think or react, even if their conclusion has no basis in what is true.

When the enemy was allowed to take over the school system of this country, these buildings of education became his classrooms where lies of rebellion were spoon fed into the minds of American children. As a result, very little of My light is now evident on these campuses, for when it became illegal for My name to be spoken within the classroom setting, the enemy was then given full permission by this country to take the hearts of their children, which is why it was so easy to raise up a mob of young rioters. Within the hearts of many adolescents today lies the lack of respect for anyone in any kind of authority, and therefore, most who protested have little problem with the rioting and looting that broke out across the land.

It didn’t take much convincing to get those who were seen looting to put down their protest signs and pick up bricks instead, as the protests were organized by the same globalist group who is set on tearing down the President. These same young adults have sat through continuing lectures about the evil that is America, which has caused a degree of hatred to form towards anyone who has a positive outlook about this country. An offense was put in their hearts at an early age, as subtle wording in educational material imprinted negative images into their minds, so that by the time this angry mob of protesters reached the age of young adulthood, the hostility burning inside had risen to such an intensity that the slightest issue would provoke their anger to spill over onto the streets, for many of these enraged protestors, especially in the young men, have been looking for an excuse to release the hatred brewing in their hearts.

So because there was no fear of reprisals from those in authority, these rioters pillaged and plundered indiscriminately, even without regard for the business owner’s race, an action which alone was very telling about the looters true motivation. It was not simply a matter of seeking vengeance for years of black oppression, no, as the underlying attitude in the hearts of those who are violently protesting stems from pain held much deeper than just self-identifying as ‘anti-America’. For the terroristic nature which they display comes from the pain of dysfunction, those wounds of betrayal which originated from relationships with those adults whom they trusted: the ones they counted on for safety and comfort who are actually the source of their greatest insecurities, having felt the bitter rejection by one or both of their parents, as most come from households broken apart by divorce.

Because in today’s world, in order to make a living both parents are working, most adolescents are being raised by outsiders who reinforce the doctrines of their schools. And since acknowledging My very existence was left out of their formative years, many are left to wander through life like a blind man in a circular room, always looking for a door that has no handle therefore he is stuck in a room filled with bad memories and pain, one in which he or she has been locked  for most of their life.

But when I look at this lost generation, I don’t dwell on their violent actions, for My heart is filled with sadness because I see those who are grieving over the life they felt entitled to have, but were not given a better future due to what their parents, and those in authority have done to them. So though injustice may be their reason for acting out, this irrational behavior is indicative of a root of bitterness within, because those they had trusted lied to them again and again.

Oh how My heart aches over their suffering, for I long to ease their sorrow and cool their anger by giving them a life that they never could have dreamt would be theirs.

But when those in this lost generation became acquainted with the tragedy of heartbreak at a young age, the adults in their life never stopped to consider the effect their own selfish choices would have on their children. And so, though some are truly just being rebellious, many amongst this group are expressing the frustration held within over the future they believe is being stolen from them.

Therefore it is not with harsh judgment that believers should regard these young adults, for it is a compassionate stance that will win them over for Christ. It will be the true concern of those who follow My Son by offering the Message of His unconditional love that will make the greatest impact on this younger generation of lost souls.

So then, since these sit with a skeptical bent, hav[ing] been let down time and again by those in authority, greeting them with any form of message that carries religious overtones will be flat out rejected. Understand then, that the pure Gospel has the power to change a person’s inner man, where the works of the enemy are rendered useless because the grace merited to mankind through My Son was berthed in unconditional love; the kind that is forever constant and never holds a shred of selfishness within it, nor does it pull back any form of affection regardless of a person’s behavior.

This is the witness that shall win these lost one’s over: when My own display the authentic care for those who are grieving. My Church must be willing to take this lost generation under their wings, not in heaping condemnation upon them, but by leading them with kind words and deeds into a relationship with the One who loves them.

Then put aside any impulse to rush to judgment by assuming you can see what is driving those who are protesting, because for most of them, rebellion against authority is not at the root. Understand then, that this lost generation is grieving the childhood they lost, for without being told, these young adults have a sense of something missing from their lives. And because the difficult circumstances of life arrived in the days of their childhood, these have been carrying the wounds borne out of affliction for most of their life.

Know this also, that there has been birthed within them a longing to be whole which, unfortunately, these believe can only be filled when they take control, and for once, run the show. Sadly , however, what these will discover is that they are incapable of knowing internal fulfillment on their own.

This is why My Church must be the exception by greeting these with a kiss instead of a slap, for it is the gentle answer of mercy that turns away wrath. Seek to open your hearts to these lost souls, even if at first your kindness is not welcomed. For if My Children will consistently offer love and not repudiation, these hearts that have been spurned by rejection and betrayal shall be made complete; with the hardness that has begun to take form, breaking off as a new life is born.

Therefore, My dear children, separate yourself from any thoughts of harsh judgment, for yours is to enact My Son’s charter which, as written, is to love without question or exception, even those who have questionable behavior. Then when you see the images of this lost generation being played across your media screens, or, when you encounter some in your communities, don’t quickly pass by, but instead, take a moment and reflect upon how valuable they are to Me. And if the opportunity is there, acknowledge them with a kind word, for far too often My own become so caught up in their own business, that they miss the divine appointments around them. So then pour out the oil of My love on all those you encounter, because you never know how just speaking a kind word to another can open the door to deeper and more meaningful conversation.

“But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” Matthew 12:25

(Received: 6/15/2020)

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