A Nation Under Siege

by Lori Anne Hale

The enemy is about to launch another ground assault upon this nation, though its rumblings can even now be felt. For those who despise America shall once again take to the streets in greater force, plunging the country again into a time of violent upheaval and unrest. Thus shall the mayhem seen in the past be amplified in this coming attack, for much worse is the contempt towards America found in this new breed of anarchists, as they view this republic as an evil that must be stopped at any cost.

Then like a nation under siege shall America be, as civil protests once again turn into riotous affairs, where news of rampant destruction and vicious assaults is regularly heard. And so shall those posing as patriots assemble and make their presence known, marching out before the public as supposed defenders of this republic (though their hearts burn with a deep-seated hatred for America and all that she represents), for surely do these turncoats despise even their own freedom. 

And so against their own countrymen shall they fight, for indeed are they actually traitors at heart, thus is their objective for carrying out such a ruse to stoke the flames of hatred in their fellow subversives so that violent clashes erupt and add to the chaos already occurring; even if that means doing bodily harm to those they would ordinarily consider their allies. Nonetheless shall they do what they must to see their orders are carried out, for to aid and abet the further weaponization of the federal government is their overall goal. 

Then from seemingly out of nowhere shall these counterfeit patriots appear, as if love of country compelled them to take action. Yet their true motivation is something much more sinister, as their sudden presence as a show of force against the anarchists and the like, is meant to trick the true patriots into standing alongside them, for surely is this government plotting again to target its own citizens so as to not only maintain, but increase its control over the populace. 

So then shall it be that the easily manipulated shall fall for their deception, for those counterfeit patriots shall offer a rather convincing portrayal. Thus shall the innocent once again be treated like criminals while the truly guilty evade justice, for surely are they planning to employ the same tactic that was used in the recent past against this citizenry.

Thus shall some who are true patriots be labeled insurrectionists for exercising their freedom of association, for indeed shall they put themselves in a position to become targets of the State. 

See then have those who operate in the shadows of America’s government already begun to set the stage for another orchestrated strike upon this populace, where the rights of ordinary citizens are stripped away in an effort to gain greater control over this people. Thus is the reason they are even now found stoking the fires of anger that already exist in the hearts of many Americans, those that burn with contempt towards the government. 

Then like a concussive blast shall this nation erupt, for the societal tension already present shall only intensify in the coming days. Thus shall this nation know further civil unrest, for “increasingly troubled” shall be the hearts of this people, for those who hate this nation are even now working to undermine the rights of every citizen. And since those agents of chaos operate in a detached state, thus are they void of feeling any remorse over their actions, for indeed do their loyalties lie with themselves.

Turbulent days, then, are just ahead for America, for upheaval will once more be found upon her streets. And though many shall cry out for “Peace”, still shall the turmoil continue on, as the fires burning with anger shall then be difficult to quench, as a more aggressive campaign shall be launched to stoke the flames of hostility already present in this nation. 

So though My children must endure these days of civil unrest, as I have said in the past, they are to avoid participating in any form of public protest or demonstrations. Their efforts would better be served through the offering of prayers for their country, for the real battle over America still lies within the unseen, and is, therefore, upon that plain they are to fight. 

Then do not let your own sense of justice or patriotic duty compel you to act by taking to the streets, for the enemy shall seek to draw My children out into the open. Instead, let My own be found making intercession for this nation away from the public eye. For your voices should be lifted in prayer rather than in protest against your government, as that is not how the battle over America shall be won. 

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

(Received: 6/29/2024)

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