A New Prophetic Season

by Lori Anne Hale
During this era of the Church there will be many trusted prophetic voices that fade away as A New Prophetic Season | My Daily Letters - MDL

Many prophets have hidden themselves away for fear of what could happen if they speak up again, as those who are called to be My mouthpieces have stepped back from their office, having been intimidated by the political spirit currently running this nation.

So, just as it was when My prophets fled to safety in caves from the evil queen Jezebel as she sought to permanently silence the prophets of God, it is the same today, for a demonic force at work in this nation is the same vindictive spirit which was operating through that wicked queen.

However, these current prophets are not in fear of losing their lives. No, they are cowering in their hearts, afraid of what standing on My words would do to their reputations and ministries. These have begun censoring their prophetic utterances, lessening the impact made on the hearers; similar to a boxer who pulls his punches, as a full impartation of truth is not given.

So while these prophets thought backing away from what was prophesied was the best course of action to prevent them from losing the ministries they had built, this decision will actually cause a continuing decline in their effectiveness, for now who will trust that they accurately hear from Me? And if they have little confidence in My ability to fulfill My promises, then how can they ever bear witness of My greatness again?

Fortunately, there are still a few whom I have anointed to speak for Me that are confidently standing on the words I have spoken through them. Because these men and women still hold this high ground, they shall see an increase of My blessings flow over their lives: a double portion is what I am showering upon them, for their faithfulness to Me shall be rewarded. Indeed I shall enlarge their boundaries so that “more” are the lives reached through the ministries they’ve been given. But not as it has been done in the past, for I am releasing a new and better way of functioning as the Church.

Therefore, watch and see as many “trusted” prophetic voices begin to fade. For though they shall still retain their gift, the power and anointing is about to be lifted. Then expect to hear new prophets as they arise in this era of the Church: those who shall come from obscurity. For these have been called forth for such a time as this to be a voice of direction and correction to My children. And as My plan continues to unfold, the reputations of these new prophets shall be reinforced and their renown widely spread, as many shall seek them out to receive a personal word or Godly counsel.

Then indeed a new prophetic season is about to manifest upon the earth, for when what was foretold comes to pass, who will be left to deny the prophetic is still a function of the Church, and that I still choose to speak through chosen vessels amongst My children?

Therefore do not dismiss the prophecies already given during this tumultuous season. Wait and watch as these unfold right before you. Deny any speculations about how and when, and instead, solidly stand on faith in Who I am, for all shall be revealed according to My perfect timing, and not in what seems logical to man. I shall bring to pass every promise, you simply need to have faith and trust in Me.

“So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promises!” -Hebrews 10:23 (TPT)

(Received: 3/5/2021)

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