A New Thing

by Lori Anne Hale
The mountain to the higher existence of Gods will believers must ascend from A New Thing | My Daily Letters - MDL

My ways are not arbitrary. I do not act on a whim or make rash decisions.

The courses of action I take are carefully thought out and executed in accordance with My divine will. However, once I created mankind and gave him free will, though My master plan has not changed, arriving with this set outcome took some real ingenuity, for the myriad of possibilities created by the simplest choice can affect the trajectory of each person’s life. Yet, it’s My keen awareness of how each human being will react in any given situation that enables Me to weave these decisions into My overall plan for the world. By contrast, the small-mindedness of man prohibits him from comprehending much about his future. And though he has hopes and dreams, not a single man alive can predict how his life will actually unfold.

But because I have seen the very end of this world, and have already determined which generation shall be the last, I have fully considered each and every life that shall inhabit the earth until that final day comes.

Know then that this generation of man, for good reason, was not meant to be the last, and therefore, should not read more into what they see in these times than there actually is. For some are predicting My Son’s return is imminent, having mistakenly interpreted the chaos in the physical realm to mean the end is upon the world. This is simply not true. For while a season of darkness has fallen upon the world, and is like a thick bank of storm clouds covering America, these days were established long in advance to bring a much-needed shift to the Church.

Unfortunately, many believers have misunderstood what I am doing now within their midst, and are making decisions about where to stand based on these false assumptions. Although My greater plan still remains unchanged, these believers will need to undergo some realignment if the intended destiny which I have spoken over their lives is to unfold, as the promises which I make to My own are always conditional, established, and based upon the “If/Then” principle.

This is why My children should not be found running ahead, as far too often missteps are made which cause delays to My promises becoming a reality in their life, and in the lives of others. For instance, right now a majority within the Church has decided to forego meeting in homes, in favor of resuming their larger congregational gatherings. Although I knew it would be better for them to form smaller, more intimate groups, very few heeded My words. And so, what I wanted them to receive in this moment in time has been held back for a later date, with some never receiving these blessings at all.

Then one might wonder, is My plan for the Church nullified at this point? Not at all, for I am always working through man’s choices to bring about the results I desire. It is, therefore, incumbent upon those who believe in Me to do their part by surrendering their will to Mine. It is My own who must ascend the mountain to the place where My higher will exists, as it is foolishness to think that I should adjust My plan and submit to the wishes of man.His overall plan for the world is in alignment with every decision God makes from A New Thing | My Daily Letters - MDL

Sadly, most have chosen the easier route because, in their eyes, ease was the more important factor. And since these believers mistook the reopening of their churches for being a major part of the battle, soon a sense of complacency shall come upon them again as they settle back into their weekly customs. So while many congregations were celebrating because of these assumed victories, they were completely unaware of the enemy’s larger scheme, and have fallen right into the trap he set for the Church.

Because the evil one is crafty, and since he has existed in the spiritual realm for a very long time, he is well-versed in the failings of man, and, as a result, knows how to convince even church leaders to unknowingly align with him instead of Me; always lurking around whispering into the ears of those who are unaware, and speaking lies which play to their vanity and insecurities.

Although I still hold the entirety of the Church with deep affection, this decision to re-open their doors shall breed unintended consequences, for the enemy will come and snatch away the unsuspecting among the fold who were intended to know hearty growth during the more intimate settings I had wanted during this season.

But be warned: the enemy won’t be satisfied with these as his only prize, for his plot against the Church is much broader than this. No! He won’t relent until believers are silenced from openly speaking the Truth in public, and are forced to go into hiding. Although some among the brethren right now might say, “Let them come!”, these have yet to face the harsh persecution known by Christians in other nations.

However, because I am a loving Father, I had hoped to spare My children in this nation from coming up against these more intense challenges to their faith. But as I said before, mankind was given free will, which includes those who dwell in the Church. I may offer warnings, but I do not force My will upon anyone.

Understand then that the reason most church doors have reopened is because many pastors and believers alike decided this to be the best course of action, not only for themselves but also their congregates. And so this choice which went against My will was made, leaving the Church in a vulnerable position. I had desired to greatly strengthen My Body as a whole during this season, but now only a small portion of My elect shall be fully invigorated with the power of My Spirit. For it is those who have aligned themselves with Holy Spirit who shall receive His breath when He arrives at their doorsteps, as they have been facing the right direction, pointed in the correct heading to inhale the full gust of His wind as it blows across the nation.

So let this small remnant who have discerned the season correctly be greatly encouraged, for they have been selected as the precursors of the revival coming to the Church. Then while it is today, pray that relief comes to the Church, for surely the enemy plans to assault her with a heavier hand of persecution during these days. Call out for My refreshing rains of peace to be poured out upon this land, so that the fires of hate are completely snuffed out, and that the Church shines ever more brightly as a beacon of hope for the troubled souls of this world.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

(Received: 9/1/2020)

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