A Palatable Lie

by Lori Anne Hale
The enemy has moved his evil scheme forward by using the false pretense of A Palatable Lie | My Daily Letters - MDL

The axles of evil are turning with a greater rate of speed, like the wheel on a vehicle that is going downhill; the metal rod supporting its movement, holds the disk in place and keeps it rotating with a consistent, steady motion. So because of this increase in pace, the enemy has had to expose his position, for though he has used the virus as a means to camouflage his actual agenda, those who remained watchful have had no trouble discerning that he was behind this pandemic all along.

So by using a false pretense, he has moved his evil scheme forward simply by concocting a lie that was palatable for people to swallow. Though some are ambivalent about what is happening in this country, and are mostly annoyed because of the economy and what the shutdown has caused to their lives, yet for the vast majority of the population, however, fear has overtaken their hearts. So then, like a herd of cattle being wrangled, the American public follows the government’s orders, and, with very little resistance, complies with each of its demands. This is why when, in some places across the land, consumers were greeted with merchant signage that reported a ‘coin shortage’ due to COVID, most citizens who encountered this latest development readily went along with its order.

Oh, how delighted is the enemy over these inroads he has made in overtaking this nation, for this new restriction is just a part of his larger scheme, which is: world domination.

Therefore, let My children not forget about his evil plot, for these changes being implemented in the middle of this pandemic are meant to drive America towards a complete government takeover, which can only be accomplished if her citizens do little to resist the systematic shift he has planned.

Like boxes on a to-do list, he’s checking off each small victory as he manipulates this country and drives it towards the closed corral he has set up, which will hold them like cattle in a pen, waiting to be branded so he can keep better track of them with no escaping his control.

And so, it would be a mistake to think the rumors floating about regarding the government’s plan to grab control of this people are only theories made up by those who have suspicious minds. For some leaders of this nation are indeed bent on wiping away the name “United States of America”, so that there are no longer inner borders marking off the fifty states, thereby considering this land one territory to be globally ruled instead of being governed by its people.

Therefore, it is time for the rest of My Church to wake up, so they, too, are able to see the greater plan the enemy has for this democracy. For soon, none of My own will have the ability to deny there is more afoot than simply containing the spread of a virus. And yet, this is the lie that the government will keep hiding behind in order to continue on with its power grab.

Then those of My own, who have found it rather comforting to stick their head in the sand, won’t have any choice but to recognize the truth behind this pandemic. Yet, because these have set as their focus finding a path back to a more “normal” lifestyle, they don’t want to entertain even the thought of this being unattainable. It is these, then, that shall be unprepared for the next wave of adversity that is about to hit this nation, with some getting swept away in its pull.

The enemy has made attempts to dominate the world throughout history which starts with A Palatable Lie | My Daily Letters - MDL

For how many times in history have stories been retold of those who perished because they would not accept that war was coming? Just like when Europe was under siege because of one man no one at first took seriously, who eventually rose to power and destroyed the lives of many who belonged to a specific faith. He, too, had this same agenda, which was to eradicate the population of those less desirable, and then control the rest of the world under his rule. And because it took some time for most in the world to take his threats seriously, this tyrant was able to cause quite a bit of damage across the world before he was stopped. It took a concerted effort by those who believed in freedom to put an end to his reign of terror, yet not before tens of millions lost their lives.

Although throughout history the world has been polluted with others who carried this same desire to rule over mankind, there has never been such a large scale front against liberty, and those who hold it dear. Quite a large percentage of My troops are still not convinced of the threat to this republic, even with those believers who are more spiritually discerning sounding the alarm. These are still lazing about, waiting for the “all clear” to sound, lifting the shutdown, and allowing them to resume their regular way of life.

However, it will take some time for this nation to regroup and reestablish what was attacked during this season. For just like in Europe after WWII, a rebuilding effort had to take place before those countries could progress again. Therefore, those of My own already on the frontlines fighting should be encouraged because brighter days lay just beyond this season. For the assault being waged against this land is defeatable, even with just a small band of committed warriors.

Then don’t become nervous when it appears, in the natural, that the enemy lines have been bolstered. Do not fall for this enemy trick! Since he has limited authority and resources, his strategy is to fool his opponents, as he often creates a mirage to make it seem as if the size of his army is much bigger than it really is. But even when My own are left fighting with a reduced contingent, because I am leading the charge, they can assume victory will come.

Then stay true to this battle with an unwavering resolve to see this conflict through to the end. For very soon more of My own will see that war has come to this nation, and will join the fight; as some of My own still need a little more convincing that an assault is already underway (because they are still engaging their circumstances with a natural eye, and so cannot comprehend what is happening in the spiritual realm).

However, don’t despise these brethren who are still napping, but pray that their eyes are opened to what is really going on in this country, lest they be engulfed by the giant wave that shall surely wash over it’s shorelines. For just like that, the enemy can snatch a heart away.

Therefore be ever ready so that you, too, aren’t caught unprepared when this wave reaches landfall.

“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” Romans 16:20

(Received: 7/8/2020)

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