A Permanent Supernatural Shift

by Lori Anne Hale
A new era the Church has entered from A Permanent Supernatural Shift | My Daily Letters - MDL

Can My children not sense that the Church has entered a new era? Are they still unaware that there has been a permanent supernatural shift? And yet they carry on as if nothing at all has changed, even though there has been a significant occurrence in the unseen which is the cause of all the upheaval now happening upon the earth. For I am driving the enemy back into alignment with My greater plan, as he sought again to undermine My eternal timeline, desiring to prolong his inevitable end.

However, for most of My children, this revelation has escaped them, and so they continue to contend from the same fixed position, one that no longer holds any power. They cannot see I have adjusted My battle lines, and as such, different strategies must be employed in order to overcome those enemy forces which do not rest in the physical realm.

Then like blind archers they send off a volley of prayers hoping one will hit the mark, for again the Church is mounting an offensive aimed with the wrong trajectory. For though their targets are clearly marked, the arc of their prayers is off-kilter, as most have launched headlong into warfare on an assumption that ‘straight forward’ is their battle stance.

And so, in this hour, I am calling for My ranks to take a more indirect approach where, instead of running right at the enemy (which is what he’s expecting), an alternate route is to be taken: one that goes around his blockades and centralizes its focus upon the captives caught in his net of lies. For in order to see the nations overtaken with righteousness, the hearts of their citizenry must change to once again embrace godliness.

Then right now the appeals heard from My children should be for their fellow man; that I would move upon the people of your lands and soften the hearts of those hardened with sin. Ask Me to “sovereignly act”, and thereby do a mighty work upon the earth, where multitudes who have previously rejected any notion of My existence are suddenly found giving glory to My name.

Understand then, that the changes you desire to see in your nation will not come through a politician, or be forced upon the people through legislation, as the people themselves must first have their minds renewed, because living an upright life will always be a personal choice. It is upon this front that the next phase of battle must be waged.

And so inundate My courts with prayers for your communities. Cry out for Holy Spirit to come and prepare the way for a divine visitation, as there shall indeed be a great harvest during these last days. No longer advance towards those obvious targets, but instead, follow Me to where I am leading; and that is back to your own neighborhoods and communities. Saturate this ground with your prayers, for it is here I am now calling My children to fight.

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” 1 Timothy 2:1


(Received: 5/9/2022)

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