A Remnant Of Valiant Warriors

by Lori Anne Hale
On the battle-lines believers must hold their positions as A Remnant Of Valiant Warriors | My Daily Letters - MDL

This sitting President would appear to be between a rock and a hard place, as it seems his opposition has boxed him in, where he is faced with attacks on all sides; for no matter what he does or says, those who are his critics point the finger of blame at him.

Although he has tried to push back against the false narrative being painted about his conduct while in the oval office, the assassination of his character still continues. Yet because of his competitive nature, this President won’t throw in the towel, for he believes a win for him is a win for the American people. This is why he has chosen to run for a second term.

Because he understands what will happen should his opponents re-take control of the country, the President made a pledge to himself that he would do his best to keep the country he loves from falling into their hands. And despite what the public is being told, the intentions of this President are honorable.

However, in amongst the media outlets he is being painted as diabolical and up to no good, which is why quite a few in the nation stand opposed to his re-election. So because these citizens have been misled by false stories about him, they have taken up an offense towards the President. So just as it is with anyone who feels they were wronged, those who are against him are looking for any reason to prove their assumptions about him are true, while any decision he makes is, therefore, received with suspicion, adding fuel to the fire of hatred already burning against him.

Then what is to become of this man who is now president? Shall he still reside in the oval office for another term?

Though it is My desire to see him remain in this position, I will not force My will upon this people, for just as I gave mankind the ability of choice, so was this nation built on this same idea of free will. As a result, the citizenry plays a large part in who shall preside over them, which is why the enemy has been working overtime to sway the minds of the majority to oppose the President. The enemy knows that if the American people side with him by voting for the other candidate, then this nation shall be ruled under his dominion, which means he has the authority to openly persecute the Church in this nation.

But, is the future already set in stone? Does hope still exist for this people and nation, or, is she doomed to the same fate as so many other countries who have fallen prey to Communistic beliefs?For this nation believers should continue praying as A Remnant Of Valiant Warriors | My Daily Letters - MDL

Fortunately for this nation, a remnant of My most valiant warriors dwell on her soil, for I trust these soldiers to faithfully execute My will. Since they are loyal to My cause alone, these valiant warriors are determined to fight until the end. And so like David who had his mighty men, these warriors are committed to wage war for their King. Because of this complete dedication to Me, these valiant warriors are found accepting My call, even if what I ask of them seems an impossible task. For these have learned that they never fight alone. Though the enemy’s army may be larger in size, these valiant warriors never grow fainthearted because they continue to remind themselves that “…the battle belongs to the Lord”. For this reason, they are confident that victory shall be their outcome, since the One who is with them is greater than the enemy and all of his dark forces.

So those who have marched with Me onto the field of battle should ready themselves for more heated conflict because the enemy is about to unleash a torrent of evil upon this nation. His demonic forces shall descend once again, for they have regrouped and are ready to launch an even greater assault upon the peoples of this country.

Therefore, let these valiant warriors remain steadfast in their commitment to contend for this nation. Let their feet stay held in their battle stance with armor donned and weapons drawn, for the enemy shall be unrelenting in his next round of attacks.

Then say to yourselves, “I will outlast this foe!”, and then hold your positions without flinching, for the enemy is prowling around looking for the weaker spots in My line. This is why you must ‘gird yourselves up’ by spending time in My Presence, so that you are more than equipped to face down the enemy when he brings forth another assault.

And so, My valiant warriors: “Persevere”! For the enemy knows that the only way he can win is if My children within the remnant I have called forth in this land give up and turn away from the fight. Persevere in your warfare. Continue to contend so that your declarations and prayers make swift work of the enemy’s plans.

So again I say, “Persevere”! For it is your commitment to this fight that shall bring the sure defeat of the enemy, and reinstate peace to this nation once again.

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”                          1 Timothy 6:12

(Received: 8/31/2020)

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