A Seat At My Table

by Lori Anne Hale
A great many invitations the Lord has sent out to join His feast from A Seat At My Table | My Daily Letters - MDL

The banquet table has been set, yet who will come and taste its wares? Though a great many invitations were sent out very few have even acknowledged My generous request, and so many are the seats that remain vacant. Still, I sit, patiently awaiting a response to My gesture of kindness, knowing full well that most shall decline to join in what is certain to be a bountiful feast. Nonetheless, I have gone ahead and prepared quite a spread, boasting a cornucopia of delights for all who are willing to partake.

Ah then, the number of invited guests who shall ignore My offer will far exceed those who accept it. Though many have been chosen to enter the glorious celebration I have planned, excuse after excuse shall be given as to their refusal, with most citing the busyness of life as the reason behind their negative response. Unfortunately, what these don’t realize is that there is a limit to My hospitality, as a day will come when they will have exhausted every opportunity to accept My invitation, and the banquet hall doors will then be tightly shut preventing any further admittance.

Yet upon realizing their grave error, some shall put forth an earnest protest hoping to change the finality of My decision. Sadly, they shall find no reprieve as indeed I granted them ample time to see their “no” become a “yes”. Oh, what dreadful sounds shall be heard in that hour as those who would have graciously been welcomed in are forever banished from My Kingdom as exiles, never to be heard from again. 

So though many would like to think otherwise, there are severe repercussions that await any who refuse to dine at My table, and that being eternal separation from My Presence, which can only be described as a void of endless darkness, where the soul is gripped by inescapable agony and despair.

But why choose that fate when clearly a much better alternative exists, one that boasts of insurmountable joy? For it is here that sorrow and lament do not exist, and as such, every tear has been wiped away. Who, then, could stand in the presence of absolute perfection and not be overcome with awe and wonder?

Know that My invitation is not a small matter, because within its friendly overtures lies the opportunity for each person to secure their future, as eternity awaits everyone. But, how it shall be spent is the question, which can only be answered by the individual. For unless (when asked to follow Me) they give a hearty consent, it is surely hell fire they shall know on the other side of this life.

Therefore, those who have already secured a seat at My table should be found interceding on behalf of those empty chairs, praying for those who were meant to sit alongside you and enjoy the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb”: that lavish banquet which is to be held when My Bride, the Church, is ushered into eternity.

So then, dear ones, contend for these souls who have yet to call Me “Lord”. Ask that their hearts know a softening so that My invitation to find forgiveness is readily accepted.


“And the angel said to me, ‘Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’ And he said to me, ‘These are the true words of God.’ ” Revelation 19:9

(Received: 7/5/2022)

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