A Surrendered Life

by Lori Anne Hale
To be more than hearers of the Word is the call of believers as A Surrendered Life | My Daily Letters - MDL

Once again it is with symbolic gestures and protest signs which many are using as a means to combat a societal scourge; “bringing awareness” being the common phrase mentioned when describing their role in the battle. For then these can feel a sense of satisfaction inside, that they, too, are a part of the fight to end human trafficking, without actually having to get off their couch.

So like most in today’s culture, these lack the zeal to do more than have discussions about world problems, for this would require some kind of action that might make them uncomfortable, where they would have to choose to do more than “tweet” or post on some social media platforms.

Sadly this has become the norm for most when standing up against evil, even for those in My Body, as very few who ascribe to My tenets actually live out what they speak or believe. And while, in their hearts, they may hold a strong opinion on a certain issue like child abuse, human trafficking, or homelessness, yet how many are willing to get their hands dirty by becoming more involved with these issues?

And though it is true that “the poor you will always have with you”, this statement was not meant to give My followers the license to sit back and do nothing to help those who are suffering. For believers were called to be the salt and light while on the earth, as it is the spiritual power which My own carry that influences a change in the atmosphere. Yet they must come out of their self-imposed hibernation to see divine shifts occur. For if salt is added to any recipe, it brightens the flavor of each ingredient, creating something appealing for the palate. And if a light is hidden away, its soft glow cannot illuminate a room filled with darkness.

Then let those who claim to follow after Me actually be doers of the Word “…and not mere hearers…”. For who would believe that what I spoke is Truth unless there is a demonstration of its validity in the natural, where those who are lost experience My love through the compassionate care expressed by believers: those who call themselves the “Church”.To be salt and light in the world is the call of believers as A Surrendered Life | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although some are assigned to a specific expression of My kindness, where they stand in the gap with a more defined call, such as, rescuing those who have been enslaved by human trafficking rings, all believers, however, are enlisted to active duty, for the “good fight of faith” is to be fought by every one of My soldiers. It’s not just enough to say, “I follow Jesus”, for though salvation has rescued your soul, there is more to being one of My followers than this acknowledgment. For which of My disciples who co-labored with Me sat at home while his spiritual brethren were out working the fields? And which of you, then, is excused from living like I did, both in word and in deed?

Regardless of your current circumstances, the call on your lives remains the same. For even within the most challenging situation lies the opportunity to imitate My behavior. You see, during those moments where I was scorned and beaten, My countenance never changed but continued to reflect the love of our Father: the One who sent Me to rescue mankind from permanent alienation from His presence.

Know this: that speaking the Truth and living the Truth must be employed in conjunction with each other, for the doing is the evidence that what is spoken is True. Therefore, don’t allow your personal struggles to keep you from being a good neighbor, or stop you from helping those in need. For a surrendered life is lived without excuses, but seeks to do the Father’s will, even if it involves a great deal of sacrifice on behalf of His chosen vessel.

Then to those who are My followers, I say: “Stop living a life of complacency when many are in need all around!” For though you may think what you hold in your hand isn’t enough to really do much, just remember what happened with the loaves and fishes, for our Father is able to multiply that which is willingly offered.

Lay open your hands with what you have and ask where it will best serve the Kingdom. Let Holy Spirit show you where My light will shine the brightest in your communities, because a partnership with Us always brings about the best results, meaning: many shall choose salvation. Then, when you come across those who are in need, or who could use words of encouragement, don’t simply pass by without taking notice, for you have already been instructed to go the extra mile for both neighbor and stranger alike, even if what is required to meet the need stretches your resources a bit. 

Then keep your hands open and don’t tighten your fists, for surely the days ahead shall bring even greater hardship upon this nation, and will, as a result, challenge believers to set aside their own comfort, and give out of their lack to those who have even less.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” James 1:22-25

(Received: 8/1/2020)

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