A Troubled Soul

by Lori Anne Hale
Against Nancy Pelosi Gods retribution shall come from A Troubled Soul | My daily Letters - MDL

The ‘lady in red’ is bound to those whose pockets are very deep, and so it is to them that her soul pays homage, having long ago bowed her knee to the spirit of Mammon. Then along with the rest of those crooks and cronies that now occupy Washington, she, too, shall know a just reward for her actions, as she has done great evil in My sight.

So like a proud peacock she struts, parading the colors of a patriot when in the public eye, yet the true shade of her feathers is much less vibrant and boasts the murky hues of treachery and deceit, which is the reason she has held no remorse over betraying her fellow countrymen.

Then perched upon her chair does she sit, striking her gavel as if the queen of the court. Indeed she sees herself in a role she could not attain on her own: as that of holding the exalted position of a ruler, instead of an elected official.

However, upon My word, Pelosi, shall you fall from your seat of power, and you shall not be spared from the punishment of your high crimes against My throne. For though you have yet to face this consequence, that does not mean I have forgotten your deception, as surely you have been numbered amongst the vilest of offenders. So then your heart shall be in a constant state of vexation, for you shall find no point of solace to ease your discomfort, as every bridge shall then have been burnt. Oh, Pelosi, indeed yours shall be a troubled soul.

Ah, what reinforced barricade or fence can you then erect that shall keep Me from enacting My judgment upon you, Pelosi? Therefore, it is not retaliation from this citizenry that you should fear, but the penalty that I have rendered upon you. For you Pelosi rebelled against My Sovereign will, and, as such, will most assuredly know the consequence of My rebuke. So while in My kindness I graciously bestow mercy upon all who repent and seek forgiveness, you have done neither, because your heart has been hardened by decades of unscrupulous behavior. As a result, you, Pelosi, stand in defiance towards My authority.

Then as if your seat suddenly lurched forward toppling you out, so shall be the quickness of your decent, as it is not only in the forfeiture of your place of prominence that you shall know great loss, it is in My retribution, Pelosi, like an unwelcome guest, that shall intrude upon every part of your life.

And so it is that the hour of My judgment is nigh upon you, and as such, there shall be no escaping its verdict. For that reason, I say again Pelosi, “Indeed, yours shall be a troubled soul!”

“I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” Isaiah 13:11


(Received: 7/21/2022)

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