A War Of Words

by Lori Anne Hale
In the conflict over pronouns and gender believers should not be caught up from A War Of Words | My Daily Letters - MDL

[Vision: I saw links being removed from iron chains, shortening the length so that the captives had less mobility.]

The groanings of this people shall only increase in the coming days as more constraint is placed upon the burdensome shackles they already bear. For indeed more restrictive measures are planned with the intention of inhibiting freedom and modifying behavior. And so, again, an attempt is being made to curtail the freedom of expression given to all Americans as the few seek to impose their will upon the majority through the very amendment they are looking to destroy.

Then it is with intimidation that the voice of reason is being silenced by promoting the idea that any who stand in opposition to the progressive views currently being pushed upon this people are a threat to democracy, though it is those pushing that form of propaganda who are the real villains. Again, these detractors should be ignored as their inflammatory remarks are meant to perpetuate hatred, and, as such, are not to be trusted; just as it is with anyone who looks to pit one against another.

Then to engage with this latest war over words is to fall prey to subterfuge, because the debate over “linguistic evolution” is simply a ploy to misdirect attention from the true battleground. Therefore, let the wise not be caught up in the conflict over pronouns and gender, for arguing with the foolish will gain you nothing.

For it is not upon this temporal plain where the fight should be waged, as a war of words often only leads to division, and as such, secures the enemy’s position. Remember, his strategy has not changed, that being: to divide is how he conquers hearts, leading many into the pit of despair. Recognize then, Beloved, that the real battlefield remains in the unseen, which is where a volley of warfare should be unleashed against the spirit of confusion that is running rampant through your nation. For there is still time to stem this progressive tide that seeks to fully envelop America until she loses her distinctiveness, and is assimilated into the globalist agenda currently attacking her sovereignty.

Then resist the urge to clap back at those who have accepted this lie which, on the surface, purports inclusion and respect, yet demonizes any that don’t agree with its premise. Seek the path of love and reconciliation instead of charging headlong into public debate. For to overcome this enemy force, the spiritual atmosphere over your nation must be cleansed of his influence, as it is his voice that must be compelled to silence.

Therefore, do not assert words and sentiments that will knowingly stir up strife with others. Stay away from this form of inciteful rhetoric, as an argumentative exchange of this sort will not bolster your witness. But rather, seek to persuade others to believe in the One who is Truth, as it is only in Him that those bound under this cloud of confusion can receive clear understanding, once the lies of the enemy have been dispelled.

“Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant[fn] must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth,  and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:23-26


(Received: 9/19/2022)

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