
by Lori Anne Hale
Marching orders have been issued to God's soldiers which are to Advance | My Daily Letters - MDL

To topple over statues and vandalize historical monuments are the actions of the immature, for those who are anchored to anger and hate have found an excuse to go on a terror spree across this nation. Although I am opposed to idols which glorify foreign deities, I don’t have an issue with these monuments of remembrance, where moments of historical significance were captured in carvings.

Unfortunately, if this mob is allowed to rule, these memorials will be destroyed or taken down simply because a small group bent on destruction is tearing through her streets demanding retribution for a perceived injustice, ripping this nation apart at her inner seams. And because there is a contingent of national leaders who are working together to fundamentally change this nation, they won’t say or do anything to discourage the mob’s behavior.

Then what is the average citizen to do when the country they love is being destroyed right before their eyes? Since there doesn’t seem to be anyone left who will rescue this nation from the enemies who lie inside her gates, and because protecting this people is no longer the priority of its leaders, where can the population turn for help?

This republic, which has stood independent and sovereign, is now being stripped of her dignity by some of her own citizens: those who are now taking advantage of their freedom to speak out, all the while complaining about oppression and subjugation. In many communities their behavior was left to run out of control, where these agitators, who are raising their fists as a means to state their displeasure, have done so with little to no resistance; for the only use of force against them was an attempt to quell violence from escalating too far.

Although many are resisting the urge to join this mob of vandals, quite a few in the population hold the same sentiments in their hearts about racism and social justice; especially in a majority of young adults, who, though they are considered grown up, have barely learned what it means to take responsibility for their own lives. So within this segment of the population, the idea being embraced is, preferably, to have others pay for their future, and as such, see nothing wrong with giving the government more power over society, because these are under the impression that certain privileges found in this nation are actually rights, and so, thereby, believe they’re entitled to receive these benefits free of charge.

But just like every other nation which has chosen this form of economic system, the citizens eventually suffer the loss of personal freedom because they mistakenly trust the government to take care of their needs. Since arrogance and naivety are common traits among the young, a Socialistic society sounds more appealing than a Republic, and so have been easily persuaded that it is time for a change.

But what they have yet to understand is how slippery this slope really is, as destroying the rights and freedoms found only in this country would mean losing her strength as the single most powerful nation in the world. For once she is knocked from this position, there won’t be any other physical authority that can stop the globalization of the nations, where all are forced to join a single unified body. Though other countries may have a ‘form’ of democracy, these will easily crumble under the pressure to merge with a one world order, where the governing authority is centrally located and dictates to the whole world how to live.

Believers must not retreat to save this nation but instead should Advance | My Daily Letters - MDL
Unfortunately, the average citizens can’t see this bigger global picture, and as such, have accepted the false narrative which depicts the motives of this mob as having been provoked, and, as a result, are only acting out against the racial injustice they believe this nation was built upon. Therefore, their behavior is to be expected, and so should be tolerated, for these young adults are only looking to change this country, making life more equitable for them. And to most of the general public, this seems like a good path to healing the wounds of bigotry seen as still prevalent in this country.

Although the mob is presently demanding that all links to the past be removed (those memorials of historical figures which can be tied somehow to slavery), it won’t be long before their stipulations have little to do with prejudice, because these agitators are really connected to the larger plan of overthrowing this democracy, setting the stage for globalism to finally be ushered in. So then they have seized this time to push forward their scheme to erase (and then rewrite) her history, so that most will reflect only on the past with a negative opinion, and so won’t even entertain the idea of again forming an uprising to regain freedom and liberty.

Who will put a stop to this scheme; for the President seems reluctant to step in and curtail their behavior? Is there anyone left who is willing to guard this land, or, are those who swore an oath to watch over her too concerned about their appearance with the media to take any form of real action?

So then, it is up to those who are cut from a different cloth to step in: those who consider this Republic worth fighting for, because they consider their freedom as something valuable. However, these soldiers do not wage war with rifles and guns, for they know the most effective weapons to bring into battle are found in the spiritual realm. And even when My army appears to be outnumbered, with the enemy pressing in on all sides, these soldiers know that the best offensive is mounted on their knees, for one dedicated soldier from My ranks can slay a whole battalion of enemy lines.

Then lift your swords and raise your shields, for the enemy is unrelenting, and his aggression untempered, for he is literally seething because My own have been fighting back against his evil attack.

Then don’t fall back now, but keep advancing, for soon he will be the one losing ground.

Therefore don’t be disheartened by what your eyes have seen or what you have witnessed happening around you. Remember that the real battle rages on in the unseen. So then let this be where your efforts are focused, as your constant bombardment against his lines will soon cause a break. And because there is no loyalty amongst his ranks, these demons will scatter about; for they are really just cowards who gnash their teeth to insight fear in the less discerning.

Then continue to advance until I, your General, sound the trumpet of victory. For because you have marched right into the thick of battle, don’t consider any thoughts of retreat. Instead, let your only option be to keep pushing forward, for the enemy is hoping that he will outlast you, and that My soldiers will grow weary of this fight. Therefore, gird yourselves up in Me before you begin your warfare, for it is My Spirit who will strengthen and enable you to contend until the battle for this nation is won.

Then to My committed soldiers, those who are already well engaged in this campaign, the word I am speaking over you now is “Advance”! This is My charge for you now: “Advance”! 


“With your help, I can advance against a troop; with my God, I can scale a wall.”   Psalm 18:29

(Received: 6/23/2020)

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