Affirmative Action

by Lori Anne Hale
It is an individuals inner qualities that make any people group diverse from Affirmative Action | My Daily Letters - MDL

Expect then, for the “race-baiters” to come out in full force against this ruling, for surely has another of their sacred cows just been toppled over. 

Then just as it was with the overturning of Roe V. Wade, shall the enemy seek the loophole to resurrect this altar, as he will not simply walk away without a fight. And so shall the atmosphere blanketing this nation become even more contentious, as out upon the battlefield has the enemy already begun to reassemble his forces, for he shall not take today’s defeat lying down, knowing that surely has he long held this ground of conformity.

And so shall his mantra of “fairness and equity” be continually broadcast out over the airwaves of America in an effort to convince her people that the current ruling handed down pertaining to diversity is unjust, and should, therefore, not be viewed as valid. After all, how can a law be enforced if it isn’t enacted?

So while it is true that in the not too distant past many of this nation’s citizens were thought to be a subclass, and thus marginalized due to their gender or ethnicity, this law of “affirmative action” did not rectify this matter. For while it was put forth as a means to protect against discrimination, it actually only redefined those lines, as the more qualified have surely been  overlooked in order to meet the demands of its federally mandated quotas.

See then, that in this hour have I liberated the American people from this decades long bondage, breaking those bureaucratic shackles which have actually impeded the true balance of diversity from unfolding, as it is the distinct qualities of the individual that makes any people group diverse, and should be held as having more value then skin tone or gender. And so shall it be again that merit determines qualification instead of the color of one’s skin.

Ah then, America, do not be surprised when the “race card” is played again and again, as those who are now trumpeting “sound the alarm” are only echoing the enemy’s message; for it is in his best interest to keep this nation divided, and so those who have aligned with him are out in unison decrying the overturning of this long standing law.  Yet did I not say to expect more turbulence in this season?

Then those who belong to Me should have already assumed their battle stance, for indeed shall the enemy push back hard against this line.

Hear Me then, dear ones, do not think this overturning means the full victory is complete, for the enemy will continue to contest this ground. Remember, he is crafty, and, as such, does not fight fair. Therefore, do not fall prey to his diversionary tactics. Keep your line of sight firmly affixed upon his position, launching volley after volley of warfare aimed right in his direction.

Then, in order to keep him from reclaiming any of this ground, this lie of diversity being promoted across the airways must be broken, for he has presented a distorted version of its meaning where some must be penalized so that others can advance. Pray against the exploitation of any gaps in this ruling and that these loopholes are sealed shut. Then cry out for the healing oil of My love to flow in like a wave across this nation, quenching the smoldering embers of prejudice before the fires of hatred once again ignite.

“Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!” – Psalm 117:1-2


(Received: 6/29/2023)

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