An Accelerant Of Adversity

by Lori Anne Hale
Even during intense persecution believers must be determined to persevere from An Accelerant Of Adversity | My Daily Letters - MDL

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How can a fire ignite unless there is some form of catalyst to set off the blaze?

So while a pile of kindling has already been laid around the Church, an accelerant of adversity shall be poured atop this mound, creating the right fuel for the flames of revival to spread across this land. And since the overall atmosphere throughout this nation is already heated, it won’t take much to spark a point of ignition, as those who follow Me will be attacked for standing in faith instead of acquiescing to the government’s restrictions.

Yet none should be surprised when these days of adversity arrive, for I have repeatedly warned My children to be ready for the coming persecution (though very few have taken My admonishment seriously). Which is why many will be caught unprepared when it hits, even though there is evidence of a heightened volatility in the current political climate, which won’t take much prodding to become more aggressively opposed to people of faith.

Then those who are Mine should not be troubled when the temperature of the national mood rises like a heatwave in the midst of summer that covers the entire nation, for without this accelerant added as fuel, the fires of revival won’t begin to burn.

Therefore stand ready to endure the trying days that lie ahead. For if you strengthen yourselves in Me now, then you will be more than equipped to face any trials that are sure to be born during this season.

Then, reconcile this in your hearts: that this adversity coming against the Church is serving a higher purpose than just bringing trouble for My children, and so, therefore, should be greeted with eager anticipation. For I have chosen this generation of the Church as those who shall bear witness to the greatest awakening known to mankind. So count these as joyous days indeed, as you have the immense fortune of being asked to be participants in this most blessed event, where a greater measure of My glory fills the earth.

Don’t be like the weak-minded who shall run in fear when the Church is attacked. Instead, remain confident that I will see you through until the end, determined to persevere in your faith regardless of how heated the adversity might become. For even when these difficult days persist, I promise to uphold you without fail so that you see what I have spoken come to pass.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” -James 1:2-4

(Received: 8/1/2021)

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