An Appointed Time

by Lori Anne Hale
The heartache of mourning can be overcome with hope after experiencing An Appointed Time | My Daily Letters - MDL

Down to the ground, he sank, his knees buckling under the strain he suffered as sorrow and grief took control of his heart, devastated by the sudden news he had received.

Without planning for its appearance, sadness stepped in at that hour, bringing dark tidings with an improper introduction, giving no advanced notice or early warning, nothing to signal heartbreak would be coming. Absent of manners, pain rushed in taking over his world like an unwelcome guest, as one not well received, yet with plans for an extended stay, hoping to remain for quite a while.

Blanketed by affliction, his countenance became covered with a more somber expression as the initial blow of bereavement struck, draining the air from his lungs (giving the sensation of suffocating), for his breathing seemed frozen, keeping him from recovering the ease of composure he had earlier held. “Before” became the delineation, the border between then and now, as forever had moved in (like a foreign agent) establishing an unchangeable boundary, refusing to let him cross back over, setting him on the side of “after”, with no hope of gaining entrance back into the days without mourning.

When Death makes an appearance, showing up on the doorstep of life, there is not a single lock, bolt, or chain which anyone can set as a preventative measure to keep out his timely arrival. Bearing a travel case containing “imminent” and “final”, he evokes the sense of helplessness inside those whom he comes to meet. For no one can decline a call from this lightless stranger when he turns up and must relinquish the soul he has requested, then take his hand of fate as their escort into the hereafter, the place where each will forever remain. So, as if carrying a macabre calendar containing the names of every individual who will set foot in this world, a prearranged time has been appointed as an inescapable meeting, one that was decided long before a single person was born. With the singular responsibility of predestination, Death executes his role with accurate precision, sustaining the changeless plan to withdraw each man from this life.

So where can a man hide when this solemn figure shows up?

If it is indeed the divine order of time, then “too early” and “too late” do not exist, but are only understood in the sentiments of “too soon” by those who loved another dearly, by those whose hearts are overwhelmed by pain.

The only force that can heal the brokenhearted is the love of Jesus in An Appointed Time | My Daily Letters - MDL

For many, the flow of life may appear to be random, with an unexpected ending rising up to catch the unprepared off guard; seen primarily in those who thought old age would be their ending, but even then would not be ready to embrace the call of eternity, though they are inadequate to prevent the inevitable.

Therefore, since every man alive is assigned a departure date, death will at some point touch each life and extend his unyielding grip, drawing away those assigned to that specific moment, leaving the one who remains with the feelings of “cheated”, held in anger over their loss. As a consequence, in the one left behind, an irreconcilable conflict arises, as his heart and mind argue with reality, struggling to accept the inalterable absence which demise has created; opening an irreplaceable hole that is filled with oddness, widening to cover every aspect of his existence, making the familiar seem somewhat peculiar, for his every effort is connected to sadness. Therefore his whole life seems in league with misery, without any clear consolation as the path to ease his discomfort or recover some solace.

Since he is unable to process the pain which has grabbed hold of his being, he finds himself feeling unprotected, without a defensive shield to block out the anguish brought in by adversity. Aggravated by regret, his thoughts shift to self-loathing as he retraces his history, remembering those moments which “should have been”- when he should have been the bigger person, should have been the first to apologize, and should have been more forgiving. But now finality has entered, erasing any hope of reconciliation or of changing his previous mistakes, taking with it the opportunity to say, “I’m sorry,” leaving him with the feeling of “unfinished”. For he had intended to resolve the matter between them but believed “time” was an accommodating friend, thinking he had plenty to spare, and he would eventually get around to making amends.

But who can perceive when life will conclude or know the end when it is drawing near?

Therefore, even those given an estimation of days cannot ascertain the absolute end (though it is only a short span of time). For man is powerless to predict the future and is incapable of seeing his closing with the smallest fraction of his existence going beyond his knowing. Yet, he must surrender to a greater force, one outside of himself, leaving him unable to resist the call of his departure when it approaches and can only agree to its’ timing regardless of his feelings. For the choice to remain alive is taken out of his hands altogether, leaving him with only a single option.

But, a man needn’t fear when this day appears, when the occasion of death is upon him, for I have ensured the way of safe passage for all those who would believe in My name. With these, it is a seamless transition of moving from this world into another because I have given the assurance of guaranteed entrance into My Kingdom where the sting of death can never find them. For the repercussions allotted these individuals were taken away when they relinquished ownership of their former mistakes over to Me, and, therefore, set aside any due penalty.

If man puts his soul in Jesus care he does not need to fear death for each is given An Appointed Time | My Daily Letters - MDL

So then, when that day comes along carrying within it “completion”, darkness will not be found near, for when I approached these with the promise of life everlasting, they readily agreed to My offer, thus securing eternity’s bliss, which is known to those who have set their soul in My care.

Then, for the ones who have suffered loss, whose hearts have felt the pangs of grieving, I have the power to bring the truest sense of relief and healing by filling it with real hope, thus shifting it over from sorrow and lifting it above the heartache of lament; leaving no room for despair and regret because gladness has bid these emotions farewell. Instead, I offer an unshakable joy which originates from eternity and rests in a heart filled with expectancy by the one who has experienced the virtue of My constant goodness. So then, once a soul knows appeasement, every trouble is forgotten because it is no longer bound to the yoke of distress.

Long ago We made a decision that man would indeed need rescue, which would require someone to enter in with the proper aid. So, I was sent to give up my life. This act of surrender cost man nothing at all, yet what he gained placed him in the right standing to have deaths sentence repealed, adjudicating his soul from the judgment of guilt, allowing him to know the relief of honest forgiveness and remove him far away from any error. Since I accepted the blame, I took all the shame (even from the most thoughtless of actions, those regrettable choices which are unchangeable), leaving the one who has carried this bitter remorse with no obligation to stay in his self-hatred, for I came to restore the correct reputation of any who would choose Me.  

So to the one left with the sense of “unfinished”, with the feelings of unresolved suspended over his pain, having the reminder of things left undone in words which can never be said, to you I say, “Come! Let Me be the One that you turn to and allow My perfect love to be the place you find comfort”. I send no one away and accept all who recognize Me as the answer. I am the only One who can bring you true harmony by setting your soul in the peace of full closure because I have made everything complete. Not even a strand of the past is left undone, nor is there a chord of pain left to unravel. My love is the binding force which heals all who are brokenhearted and sets them free from the ache of sorrow by replenishing their heart with the anticipation of a radiant tomorrow. For once the wind of My Spirit breathes into a soul, I revive it with “new” life that flows with the eternal promise of rest in those who recognize Me as “Savior”.

“When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”   1 Corinthians 15:55-57

(Received: 9/18/2018)

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