An Exercise In Liberation

by Lori Anne Hale
To give is to gain in God's economy as An Exercise In Liberation | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Vanity, vanity, all the ways of man are filled with vanity, as self-preservation is all that he knows!

To keep himself from knowing harm is how he sets out to live, and his internal standard is to first prefer his own needs over those of another. So then, offering aid to his neighbor or helping a friend is given in limited or measured amounts because his own comfort is weighed against making a sacrificial choice for another. His days are spent with his eyes averted lest he sees the “want” that surrounds him, with ignorance as his excuse for not lending a hand when the destitute and impoverished are plainly visible to any who are willing to have a real look. So to find a heart that is open and hospitable, even amongst some My own children is a challenge, as the idea of sacrifice for many has been narrowed down in its meaning, where 10% of their livelihood is equivalent, in their estimation, to the lifestyle of giving.

But I expect more of My children, where their fellow brethren found in need are not left in want because each believer has given one to another so that none are without food or shelter. However, because the vanity of mankind has become so prevalent amongst My own, My initial community constructs, when the Church was first birthed, have been lost. Instead, personal involvement in helping another believer has been limited to the phrase, “I will pray for you”, which means that this person is unwilling to cross over the threshold where the greater lifestyle of sacrifice exists. 

Then, this is why many of My own are found impoverished because this sense of brotherly love has been traded in for the easier road patterned in today’s culture, where taking care of one’s self is the top priority. Then it’s not surprising that this mindset has infiltrated My body, and the manner of portioning what is put in the offering plate is misconstrued. For a majority of My own have come to believe that this is all I require of them and that it’s up to the church to develop programs corporately that ease the suffering of their fellow believers; shifting the responsibility to step up and help onto outside organizations which will provide care for the unfortunate who have fallen on hard times. 

But what of My body: what of each individual who hails from My Kingdom? Shouldn’t the surplus held in the hands of My own be surrendered to the pleasure of My perfect will?

For if one of My own comes across a brother who is suffering, more may be required of them in the way of giving than just a prayer or two. For the attitude I wish to see prevail in the hearts of My children is: that all they hold in their hands and count as their own rests in a surrendered state, so that if I request what is in their possession, these do not hesitate to offer it, counting it a joy and a privilege to sacrifice for another. And because the generosity of My realm flows through their hearts, giving has, therefore, become an instinctual part of their life, and an open-handed posture is seen in their stance. 

So then, to take another into their home would not be unthinkable, nor would offering financial assistance be resisted, for these have discerned that to walk as My child requires the vanities of man be cast off. The way of My Kingdom is not polluted with the vanity of shallow thinking, but operates from a more expansive position where what is freely received, is freely given, as a higher value is placed on the well-being of another so that none of My own are found in want.

But who of My own will take up the mantle of brotherly love? Who amongst them will rise up and come alongside the downtrodden without being hindered by any of their own expectations? For what if I ask one who has an abundance to freely give to another who is struggling without attaching any strings to the gift? Would this one open his hand and release an amount, setting aside any stipulations they might want to add in concerning how the money is allocated? Yet, many of My own approach these situations with the expectation of an investor, looking for some sort of return on what was given. Instead, My own must view the totality of their belongings as being nestled in the account of administration, where what they’ve earned or been given is but temporarily theirs, where a loose grip is held around their finances and property, as I may ask these to let go of what they have so the needs of another can be met.Into God's hands everything a believer owns should be surrendered as An Exercise In Liberation | My Daily Letters - MDL

So it seems, that to go against his natural inclinations is a challenge for most of mankind, as each person is primarily focused on themselves, where giving without a promised return is a foreign concept to most. And even when someone has embraced the love of the Savior, an altruistic approach to life is still rather difficult to embrace. For in their hearts selfishness will, in some form, always be present, even if it is just a thought about putting themselves first; revealing the underlying attitude present in all of humanity.

But, My own are to reflect My Son’s divine character, with their whole life being given as a sacrifice to Me, at My disposal to do as I wish and see fit, where nothing is held back. This is the attitude I want adopted so that My children are known for their generosity, as those who give, regardless of their own discomfort. For in My economy, to “give” is to gain, since I don’t use worldly methods to measure profit or success. Therefore, My children should align their thinking so that their thoughts agree with My Son’s example, as one who held nothing back and gave His whole life into My hands.

Then for some to say releasing only a small portion of their livelihood to Me should be considered a lifestyle of giving, is to misinterpret the example He put forth, since He did not own a single possession nor did He have a place to lay His head, and yet I still sustained His life and provided everything He needed. So then, any of My own who would dare to trust Me at this same level can be certain that My hand of care is upon them, too, and that I will continue to keep and sustain them.

So, when I challenge My children to step out in faith and surrender more of what they own for use at My discretion, the real issue is trust. And My hope is then that they gain greater internal freedom, being less encumbered with self-preservation, so that they may exist without the weight of this burden upon them. For those who are willing to lay down their whole lives in this way have found the lightness of true emancipation, because this world loses its hold on their hearts. 

And so, in order to walk as My Son did, and to bear His likeness, My children must loosen their grip on what they currently own, and thereby see Me as the only real proprietor over their entire life. Only then will the true sense of stewardship govern their attitude concerning their finances and property. And because these will have then placed their worldly wealth at the foot of My altar, if I were to challenge them like I did the rich young ruler, they will respond correctly, as their hearts will have already said “yes”, even before I challenge them to give up everything they own and follow after Me. 

So then, My children, take some time to examine where your heart rests on this matter of your possessions. Have you placed all you own in My hand, or are you still struggling with trust? For being a good steward of what you’ve been given is not defined as a comparison between budgeting and squandering, but is rather about trust and surrender, since quite often I will ask My children to release more financially than appears prudent or logical.

Therefore, when I encourage My children to let go of more than feels comfortable, this is because I desire that they learn to stand with more faith. So then, My own should not see these moments as anything more than an exercise of liberation, for My desire is to free them from the bonds of self-preservation so their trust in Me can expand to new levels.



Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?” -Matthew 16:24-26

(Received: 12/28/2019)

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