Another Round Of Shaking

1 Peter 4:17

by Lori Anne Hale

Over the past few years, the Lord has declared his intention to bring judgment on the corrupt leaders throughout the world. But, so far, we’ve haven’t seen much of that happen as the wicked seem to be prospering and advancing their cause. 

However, the Lord reminded me that judgment begins in the house of God first (1 Peter 4:17). He highlighted a word I received a few years ago about removing the unfit pastors from their positions of influence, the fulfillment of which we’ve witnessed in recent days as both famous and not-so famous names have stepped down from their platforms due to some form of scandal. (The link is in the description box below.)

In today’s word, the Lord showed me that He’s not finished purging His house, and that another round of shaking is coming upon the Church. I then saw the prophets were next as testing is occurring even now, where these men and women are being tested to choose between the platforms they’ve built, and fidelity to the Lord. A choice to speak a word that often directly conflicts with what the people want to hear. 

And I saw many prophets had already chosen to compromise in an effort to protect their reputation; I then saw other prophets who had held the line of integrity, already caving to the pressure of maintaining a certain level of notoriety amongst the Church.

This is what I heard:

It is through the fires of proving that I have led My prophets in order to burn away that which was unprofitable. Yet many are those chosen vessels who could not endure the heat of its flame, and so backed away as the temperature intensified, as these vessels were overly concerned with saving face and protecting their good name.

Then as I continue to purge the wickedness from My House, it won’t simply be the overseers that I call to account, but those prophets and teachers who falsely claim to speak for Me. And so shall they, too, be exposed and thus shall their influence wane within the Church; for surely will I shut their mouths and silence their tongues so that their voices are no longer heard.

Tainted, then, are the words of those oracles, for the prophecies they utter are intermixed with their own theological bias, and so polluted is that supernatural stream flowing through them. 

See then as another round of shaking comes against the Church, shall many more platforms, which were thought to be sound, suddenly topple over, for I have come in this hour to do a thorough cleansing of My Household, thus shall much upheaval continue to be found amongst the assembly halls of the elect. For I have indeed declared a time of judgment has come upon the Church.

Then those prophets who sought to exalt themselves shall be brought low, for indeed shall I lift the anointing from upon their heads and remove the mantle of authority placed upon their shoulders. For surely does their call now center upon themselves and attaining a greater level of fame within the Church, as they seek the title of “spiritual giant”. For they desire to be thought of as the modern day equivalent of those legendary heralds of the faith.

And so with puffed chests do these prophets strut across the stage, preening about like a flock of proud peacocks with their tail feathers open and on display. For like “VIPs” do they think themselves to be, and thus expect to be treated as such. Yet with lying lips do these oracles speak; though it is in the unctioning of Holy Spirit that they claim to be operating, when it is actually a deceptive spirit to which they are listening. However, since its message sounds soothing to their ears, the presence of that cloaked spirit has gone undetected. 

Then, like a compass with a faulty needle are these prophets, for their spiritual discernment does not point true North, and thus are they directing My children to follow the wrong course, as many are those who are, even now, adhering to their instructions; for every word spoken by these so-called prophets is thought to be divinely inspired. Yet much of their spiritual interpretation is actually derived from the flesh, and so in vague generalities, that sound ethereal in nature, do they offer their predictions in an attempt to manipulate the masses, as it is their own agenda that they seek to promote, and not My own.

Ah then, shall My judgment fall upon the heads of these prophets. Thus will they be stricken down from their positions of prominence amongst the Church for I shall expose their fraudulence causing them to lose all credibility before My people; and so shall their words never again be trusted; thus shall they be unable to shake the label “false prophet”. 

Then the cleaning of My House shall continue until I am, at last, satisfied with the results. Therefore should My children prepare for even further disruption in the days ahead, for I have come in this hour to drive the wicked out from among them, as I mean to restore the desire for holiness back into the Church. Thus, from top to bottom, must she be fully cleansed, for indeed have her leaders been steeped in sin, from which the prophets have not been exempt. 

Therefore consider this fair warning, you false prophets who claim to speak for Me: I am coming for you next. For even now are you found leading My children astray. Yet I shall not tolerate this behavior any longer, as I have seen that, in your hearts, there is no remorse over your misconduct. Thus shall I remove any from that office whom I deem are unfit to serve. For indeed have you been unfaithful stewards of that responsibility which you were given, as the preservation of your own reputations has become the greater priority. 

Abrupt, then, shall be your removal, for I have seen that you can no longer be trusted to speak for Me. Therefore, just like that shall your anointing be lifted, and thus shall that reputation you prized so highly actually be the cause of your downfall, for surely have you worshiped at the altar of self.  So though the gifts are indeed beyond repentance, the spiritual mantle of authority and anointing is not. Therefore do not think you are impervious to the judgment that has been leveled upon the Church, for only those who have remained upright in heart shall come through the other side unscathed, as these prophets did not fall prey to the trap set by that deceptive spirit. 

Then do not say you were not forewarned, for indeed has judgment come to the House of the Lord!

“For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” – 1 Peter 4:17

(Received: 07/08/2024

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