Another Wave Of Shaking

by Lori Anne Hale

I saw another wave of shaking coming upon the Church, and then I heard this:

 “Every house that has been built in My name shall again be shaken, as I continue to purge My Body of the unrepentant. For surely amongst My own does there dwell many who do not know Me. So though these individuals profess to be “Christians”, even still do they stand with the rebellious, for in their hearts do they refuse to bow to My Lordship. 

Then, as if experiencing a jolt from a sizable quake, shall another wave of shaking impact My household. For I have come to dislodge those false believers from amongst the truly converted so that only the real Ekklesia is left standing. And so across the entire breadth of the Church will the coming shaking be felt, and thus shall its rumblings be unavoidable. For through this disruptive wave shall the needed change be birthed in My Body.

Then a peaceful transition from the “old” to the “new” shall not be, for the Church refuses to let go of the past. Therefore, shall My hand continue to press against her, as indeed has the Church drifted out of alignment with My Will. Thus shall this pressing of My hand only intensify in the coming days as I attempt to shift her trajectory. Yet, in the process, shall those false believers who have stood amongst the assemblies of the faithful fall away. 

However, My efforts shall be met with resistance as this occurrence is yet again misinterpreted, where spiritual leaders will mistake the coming shaking as a demonic attack just as they did when the pandemic struck. Their eyes were blinded to the greater work I was doing in the Church at that time, for to maintain the status quo was their chief priority. As such could they not see that it was My higher purposes at work amidst their church closures. 

Ah then, because what I sought to accomplish during that time was cut short, another round of shaking shall befall the Church. However, though this seismic event has already been predicted, still have My warnings gone unheeded, and thus have the tremors already present largely occurred without much concern by most believers. Even still shall more unscrupulous leaders be exposed and then brought down low, for I mean to cleanse My household of the adulterous and the profane.

Then what is currently being seen throughout the Church, where platforms and ministries suddenly collapse, should be viewed as precursors to the shaking that lies just ahead. For the rumblings coming shall topple over any who are not found standing upon the Rock. As such shall a great falling away sweep across the Church, causing tremendous upheaval to be felt throughout her entirety. Thus shall many believers be found in a befuddled state, for they misread the signs and the season.

See then has the Church missed an opportunity to reorient her focus so that she is operating in better keeping with My Will. Yet because she is unwilling to alter course on her own, I must now intervene and redirect her heading so that what I desire to accomplish in this hour may come to fruition; as such is this time of shaking now inescapable. Therefore, let My own pray that as the shaking becomes more pronounced, that not only does their own faith not falter, but that their younger siblings in Christ remain steadfast in their belief. For surely shall the enemy attempt to lead them astray.”

Pray, beloved, pray! Ask that any force of opposition that rises when this shaking comes is quickly struck down so that My higher purposes are achieved, as then shall the duration of those turbulent days be shortened. For the structural reordering of My Body will have been accomplished”.

“Now the Spirit expressly states that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are seared with a hot iron. ” -1 Timothy 4:1-2

(Received: 10/21/2024)

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