Awaiting Sentencing

by Lori Anne Hale
According to His will God will mete out justice from Awaiting Sentencing | My Daily Letters - MDL

[ Vision: I saw a dark cave with multiple alcoves hollowed out in the stone walls, each with barred gates; these were holding cells. I saw a dimly lit, single light bulb hanging down from the center, almost as if it was about to burn out. Then I saw Fauci and Biden walking at the front of a long line of politicians and bureaucrats, all dressed in orange jumpsuits. I heard the cell doors open, then saw Fauci, Biden, and the others step into the cells. Once these crossed over the threshold of the cell, the door closed and the prisoner stood looking out through the bars. Their skin was ashen, and their eyes were absent of any sign of hope. Over each cell was a neon sign that read “Awaiting Sentencing”. ]

What I have said I would do shall be accomplished! What I have promised will come to pass! Then be confident of this very thing, and do not doubt, for though it may appear that the treasonous shall go unpunished for their crimes, in My courts, a guilty verdict has already been rendered against them. And so they stand already charged with sentences pending, for surely shall I see that justice prevails.

Ah, then, is there any penalty that a person could face in this life that would be as severe a fate as that of being forever banished to outer darkness? Though some from that rebellious lot who defied My authority and moved against My Sovereignty shall surely know conviction for their seditious acts, some, however, who should be locked away, shall evade prosecution regardless of the amount of suffering, or even deaths, that their actions have caused, as the long arm of the law shall be unable to reach them.

Yet, none should be upset when the wicked seem to escape the consequences they are due, for no one, regardless of their lofty position in this world, can avoid the day of judgment that awaits all of mankind on the other side of this life. For only those found in My Son shall be acquitted of their sins.

However, none who belong to Me should be pleased with the thought of anyone having to face My scorn and wrath, as who among you is more deserving of forgiveness than even those steeped in wickedness? Sin is still sin to Me, for I do not measure its vileness by degrees, which is why it is true that, “…all have sinned and fall short of My glory.”.

Sadly, most in this rebellious lot of bureaucrats and politicians have hardened their hearts against Me, and as such, have already sealed their own fate, and shall, therefore, know a bitter end. For when the spirit of death arrives upon their doorstep, he shall lead them away already shackled to the heavy chains of guilt and shame to which they shall be eternally constrained. Then while in this realm they may walk with an arrogant strut, yet in reality, they are simply just pitiful souls who will forever dwell in regret.

So it is that you should guard your hearts against wanting revenge against them, for vengeance is still Mine, and thus shall I mete out My form of justice. Remember, then, that My ways are not your ways, and so what I promised shall unfold, but according to My Will. And so, do not rejoice when those you consider enemies are afflicted with disease, or face public and personal ruination, thinking they are getting their just desserts. This attitude does not reflect that of My Son and should not be embraced. 

Lest you forget, shall I remind you of His words: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…”. For it is still the agents of darkness who dwell in the unseen who are your true enemies. Therefore, posture yourselves with a position of humility, and trust that I am on the move to see that what I have spoken is accomplished in the earth.


“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” -Matthew 5:43-48

(Received: 1/17/2023)

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