Battle Of Wills

by Lori Anne Hale
To pridefully stand against God both Satan and man chose from Battle of Wills | My Daily Letters - MDL

Is there an advantage given to a man when he walks through this life on his own? Does the absence of My presence guarantee some greater reward, and so would a friendship with Me only be an intrusion instead of a blessing?

What a thought! And yet this is how man thinks, for he trusts in the works of his own hands instead of Mine, exalting himself as the god who rules over his days.

But wasn’t it this same attitude of self-determination that caused man to fall in the first place? Didn’t the snake whisper this idea into Eve’s ear, tempting her with the lie that I was actually hindering her from living a better existence, and since she possessed free-will, wouldn’t she herself be the better judge of her own fate?

So just like Satan, man fell from My presence, for both chose to stand pridefully against My authority and reject My sovereignty. And though there remains to this day painful consequences when man holds to this rebellious path, it is still up to him to determine whom he shall follow, as this right was invested in the whole of humanity, so that none can say, “I was forced to serve the Lord!”How his life goes is ultimately up to man from Battle of Wills | My Daily Letters - MDL

So while I can see the suffering that shall come into each life, even of those who sit outside of My fold, it is up to man to ask for My help. However, as long as his circumstances appear to be manageable, and can seemingly be resolved using his own wisdom, most are content to stay rulers of their own destiny.

Yet when tragedy strikes or the inexplicable happens, man often blames Me for not intervening, angry that I didn’t prevent this suffering from entering his life.  And while trouble comes to every person’s doorstep in some form or another, quite a bit is either preventable or easily resolved when a man allows Me to assume the position as his King.

But even within those who opt for the better choice of surrendering their will to Mine, their free will still exists, for when I created the universe I also created moral independence, giving man the freedom to do as he wishes. It’s then all about a “battle of wills” standing in the way of having a fulfilling life: will he follow after Me and allow Me to guide him through every circumstance, or will he continue to lean on his own understanding to find these answers?

This is the internal struggle man faces, for his response will determine his fate, as one option promises life everlasting and brings peace to a man’s soul, while the other can only lead to years of toiling and striving with no eternal hope at the end.

So then, each man must choose who he will serve, for there are only two options to this directive when posed: either Me or himself. Therefore, it is ultimately up to him how his life goes.

“And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

(Received: 12/8/2020)

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