Be Lifted Through Worship

by Lori Anne Hale
Encountering the everlasting joy of God's presence frees believers to Be Lifted through Worship | My Daily Letters - MDL

The longitude and latitude of your life have already been set, predetermined in the annals of time, with each movement figured in covering the span of years; every occurrence notated and woven into My plan, with all actions observed (for with Me, nothing goes unseen). Every step you will make has been brought to My attention. So, I have taken the proper care to ensure that within each of your days lies the opportunities to join with My will, where you are given the choice of agreement to put into action your belief in who I am as the One true Father and Lord over everything.

So no longer look at your days with the dim perspective of struggle and striving, held in the narrow focus of having your needs met. Instead, eagerly anticipate those preordained moments of challenge as invitations for growth, as simple exercises meant to teach you how to walk in faith, taking deliberate courses of action, that would appear counterintuitive to most because what I am asking is not sensible, and would not, on the surface, seem to draw a favorable conclusion. Nonetheless, these are precisely the avenues I use to develop your understanding of how I operate and what it truly is to live as one of My children.

So when you feel the weight of your cares pressing in upon you, don’t become downcast with worry. Allow your internal countenance to be lifted through worship (the space where you encounter My presence and connect with the everlasting joy found only in those from My kingdom). Though concern would like you to stay focused upon the disconcerting issues around you, this type of practice will only develop an unhealthy level of anxiety that is known to stymie peace and restrict the flow of My Spirit inside you. For when worry is given the room, it will crowd into the area I designed to house more of My presence; the territory in your being specifically created as My dwelling place. 

A heart set in the sanctuary of God's peace can Be Lifted through Worship | My Daily Letters - MDL

Settle into this space with Me where fear and worry are not allowed. For the atmosphere I generate is not conducive for anything adverse, making it impossible for these foreign spirits to thrive, because I radiate perfection (I do not carry a single fault). The power attached to these unwholesome entities is diminished, leaving them starving for attention, desperate for some acknowledgment. But when your heart is stayed on Me, even in times of adversity, you will find I have already given you the ability of internal calmness where you can keep any kind of agitation from forming. This unique quality is only found in My chosen. Though others have tried to center themselves using mystical practices, none who are apart from Me can find this sanctuary of peace, for it is a gift which can only be received by those who have accepted My Son as Savior.

Then, each of My children has been blessed with this benefit upon salvation, and so need to utilize it as an advantage, giving them the upper hand in every situation. For how can one who is resting in Me be rattled, shaken from this position by any outside forces? Not even near calamity is able to wedge this one from the place of contentment. Once there is an authentic connection made to My supernatural prowess, victory over every situation is inevitable, for this one now comprehends, to a greater degree, that every circumstance in life was afforded to them as an opportunity to develop and practice the eternal traits they now carry as part of their being, which I placed inside on our day of meeting.

“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before You. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your presence, Lord. They rejoice in Your name all day long; they celebrate Your righteousness.”  Psalm 89:14-16

(Received: 2019)

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