Behind The Rule Of Law

by Lori Anne Hale
In the highest courts of this land the weeds of corruption have been found Behind The Rule Of Law | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Let the truth now be known. Let the preponderance of evidence bear witness to the actual victor by those who are still close allies with integrity and justice.

But who will listen, and who will open their schedule to allow a fair hearing on this matter? For if the validity of the count is in dispute, don’t those cloaked in black robes bear the responsibility of listening to the case?

However, it appears right now as if these who were charged with settling disputes have not only shut their ears, but also the doors to their courtrooms. And so this branch which was meant to be separate but equal has simply become an extension of the other two, for its decisions are now governed by political agendas instead of unbiased opinion. So because this is true, how can the people ever be confident that each case brought before the courts is given a fair reading of the law?

Then unlike King Solomon who led with Godly wisdom, those presiding over the courts in this land are leaning on their own understanding to make decisions for this people and nation. And since these think themselves to be wiser than most, a higher counsel than their own doesn’t seem to exist, which is the reason My opinion is not sought. Although one or two may walk with a form of godliness, these have yet to lend their ear to Me when rendering verdicts, as I have been put in a closed compartment when it comes to their civic duties.

But isn’t this the common practice of most believers today? Just because an individual may profess faith in Me, does not mean they walk in My counsel, or look to My principles when choices must be made. Sadly, most who declare I am Lord rarely ask Me for direction at all. It would be foolish, therefore, to think that simply because a believer is knowledgeable about the laws of this land that they hold the wisdom to discern the course of true justice, for often their own prejudices get in the way.

What chance does this people have to see their freedoms upheld when the weeds of corruption have been found even in their courts: that ground which was supposed to remain untouched by politics?For America to remain free Gods intervention is the only chance from Behind Rule Of Law | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then to see the injustice done to this nation overturned, this ground must be returned to its rightful owners. Those who are known as ‘My citizens’ must embark upon a heavy assault against the evil that has barricaded himself behind the rule of law, as he comes wearing the disguise of temperance and balance, but is actually a disrupting spirit who has come to sway the courts away from the truth. And because he and his legion have not been fully addressed, their influence over the judicial system of America has significantly spread, as they have gained more and more authority through the permission of men. Since those who preside from the highest seats of this government branch rarely step down, it is a spiritual battle that must be fought to reclaim this institution.

It is, therefore, not the time to be passive. For while the enemy is working hard to persuade you to stop fighting, he knows that if My children stay unified in the campaign against him, that his lines will absolutely fall. For while waging war with Me against the enemy may be something new to you, he has had centuries of experience to come up against Me and My army. This is the reason so much chaos and confusion is being felt in the population. For if he can get believers to disassemble their ranks and accept defeat, then he will have permission to assert greater authority over this nation.

My dear children, grab hold of My promises and don’t let go, for you must not fall into his trap, nor allow your speculations to govern your faith. Remember, I am not bound by the timelines of man, which means what I have spoken will manifest in accordance with My will. So anchor yourselves in the Truth, regardless of the affairs of man.

Aren’t I the One who raises kings who are set into power, and then decides when to cast them down?

So then, watch the events unfolding with this understanding before you. For while I have declared My will, the full revelation of the ‘here to then’ I did not disclose. Or else how would your faith in Me grow unless you had to walk in trust through the unknown?

Therefore, do not presume to know how and when I shall act, for not a single believer holds this full counsel of divine wisdom, which means you must simply trust that I shall come through with the promised victory.

Continue to fight then, dear children, for the battle still rages on!

“You are my King and my God,  who decrees victories for Jacob. Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes. I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.” -Psalm 44:4-8

(Received: 1/18/2021)

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