Bitterness Born Of Betrayal

by Lori Anne Hale
For their leaders in Washington believers must intercede from Betrayal Born Of Bitterness | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Like with Abner of old who sought to overthrow David’s throne because his loyalties still lay with Saul, has not an imposter been propped up to rule this nation, though My anointing rests upon another?

Then the bitterness born of betrayal shall cause an allegiance to shift, as the one who thought she would govern realizes that she was only ‘a means to an end’; for what was promised to her shall never materialize.

So while behind the scenes she is doing the job of another, hoping to prove her commitment to the ‘greater cause’, she has begun to wonder what shall become of her once those who are seeking to overthrow this nation finally achieve their goal. For she knows that holding a high seat of power does not keep her from being expendable, as she has seen firsthand what happens to someone when they outlast their usefulness. Then, just as Abner defected, so, too, shall she abruptly switch sides in an attempt to preserve her own future, as those she colluded with have also conspired against her. 

And so where does an individual turn when she is surrounded by liars, murderers, thieves, and those who are entrenched in the vilest debauchery? What true ally could be found amongst these despots?

So then, when her reputation becomes a point of contention (because secrets she thought were hidden away are threatened with exposure unless she continues to do exactly what these evildoers say), a moment of clarity will come forth, and she will realize there is only one place left to turn.

But this defecting will come at a very high cost, for not only shall her dreams be lost, but also her position, and the relationships of many who were important to her. Yet because of this shift in allegiance, she will regain a sense of inner peace that had been absent for many years, as in those days before she decided to make politics her career. And although she has lived her days since then, doing and saying whatever it took to get ahead, there was always a lingering regret that she didn’t choose another route. However once she crossed the line into corruption and immorality, she knew there was no turning back.So the woman governing from the oval office acts righteously before Me prayers should be lifted from Bitterness Born Of Betrayal | My Daily Letters - MDL

Sadly, while she has achieved her highest aspiration, it does not match what she had envisioned. For when she set this lofty goal, she did not foresee the depths of depravity she would encounter, nor what a partnership with this level of darkness would require from her. Nonetheless, she sold her integrity and reputation for much less than these were worth.

Though she is known for demanding respect, even from those closest to her, authentic admiration cannot be found, for most have heard the rumors of how she really achieved her seat at the table, as she did not climb the political ranks because she was skilled at governing.

Certainly this woman is not one to be praised, nor is she, however, to be despised. For doesn’t her behavior resemble the worldliness described in the Scriptures?

Therefore, none who belong to Me should be offended when the lost do vile and unspeakable things, for the darkness of sin still fills their hearts. The only way these are changed is when My children intercede on their behalf, lifting up prayers for even those corrupt leaders that have taken over Washington. For though I did not appoint them to office, your prayers should not be withheld for their salvation.

So then pray for this woman who is now in command of your country. Ask that I move upon her heart so that she will turn from her wicked ways. And that in so doing, will choose to do what is upright and honest, thus breaking the contract she has made with the evil one.

Then instead of being judgmental towards her, cry out that this woman who is really the one governing from the oval office, will act righteously before Me.

“Most of all, I’m writing to encourage you to pray with gratitude to God. Pray for all men with all forms of prayers and requests as you intercede with intense passion.  And pray for every political leader and representative, so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts. It is pleasing to our Savior-God to pray for them. He longs for everyone to embrace his life and return to the full knowledge of the truth.” -1 Timothy 2:1-4 (TPT)

(Received: 7/25/2021)

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