Blood In The Water

by Lori Anne Hale
The souls of man the enemy is looking to devour from Blood In The Water | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When sharks smell blood in the water, they begin circling, waiting for their opportunity to attack, for these predators can sense when their prey is in a weakened state, and so begin to stalk their victim.

Then just as it is with these aquatic carnivores, whose whole existence is to devour other sea life, so it is with the enemy of your souls, for he only ever seeks to consume the lives of men: those he can exploit for his own selfish gain.

So just like these vacant-eyed creatures who are always on the prowl, the enemy is continually looking to find the vulnerable and the weak, any who would fall for his trap of lies. Once he has honed in on his next target, the enemy waits for the perfect time to launch his attack, which is usually when an individual has been emotionally wounded or is under some form of duress. For he, too, can sense when his prey is in a weakened state and, as a result, would likely succumb to him without putting up much of a fight.

However, those who journey with Me as their guide needn’t ever become fearful when the enemy is spotted circling around them, for these possess the spiritual weaponry to overcome any of his attacks. Yet many who are Mine still lack the understanding about how the enemy operates, which is why many believers find themselves being targeted like injured prey.

So then those who have learned how to correctly fend off any assault from the enemy must show their weaker brethren how to fight, as My children have existed in a weakened state for far too long.

I desire to build a healthy Church, one which requires more than just attending Sunday services. For while some are receiving sound teaching, most are not being taught about spiritual warfare, nor how to use their spiritual weapons. Those of My children who have already been successful in battle must come alongside your fellow brethren and teach them how to discern the enemy’s presence, and what it looks like to engage him in battle. For while My own should build up and edify one another in their faith, it was not My intention to have only a small percentage of well-trained soldiers line My ranks, as this has caused a misplaced reliance to develop in the majority of believers, where they have become dependent on those with greater discernment, rather than actually seeking out My will on their own to find their answers. For it is much easier to seek guidance from others who can hear than develop this kind of spiritual skill on their own.In the ways of Christ mature believers must be willing to teach the less discerning from Blood In The Water | My Daily Letters - MDL

So during this season of adversity, where the enemy is roaming around this land looking to cause a multitude of suffering, the desire I have for the Church is to see each believer not only draw closer to My Presence, but to also become more effective soldiers: those who have learned the skills of spiritual warfare. For to see My kingdom advance now in the earth means a stronger contingency must be birthed, built of those who have learned how to hear My voice on their own.

Then let those who can hear and have developed discernment be willing to teach what you have learned, and let those who desire to learn, heed their instruction. For to know the sound of My voice comes from time spent listening with the ears of your spirit. And although this should be the common goal found in My children, know that this takes time to master and must be practiced, for all should seek every opportunity to hear Me speak, which, by design, serves as the means to deepen our relationship through each experience.

So let every believer take responsibility for their own walk with Me, as it is up to all of My children to decide if they are willing to grow further in our partnership; which, again, is always their decision. Yet to do this requires an active pursuit of My Presence, much like a race that must be run by each individual, for a passive walk will not produce the inner posture to confidently oppose the enemy.

Then to each of My own I say: desire the things of My Kingdom, and seek out those who have advanced in wisdom and Truth, so that you, too, might stand with your own spiritual confidence when the enemy begins circling around you looking to attack. It is then that you will have gained the divine knowledge to easily fend him off.

Remember that each of you has been given the charge to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is a mighty work which I desire to do in your lives.

“For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” -Hebrews 5:12-14

(Received: 12/27/2020)

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