Both To Will And To Do

by Lori Anne Hale
To rise early and contend for the nation God has called all of His children from Both To Will And To Do | My Daily Letters - MDL

Who is it that said My children are not able? Who is it that told them they were not capable of rising before the sun, and then continue marching even when their bodies have known little rest? Did these words originate from Me, or have the Scriptures declared that My children can do whatever I require of them because their real strength comes from outside of themselves? Then which of My soldiers can say, “I am too tired to fight!”, when they have been divinely empowered to rise above their flesh?

Therefore, let those who line My ranks consider this their call to arms, for the enemy’s troops are on the move. So while My children literally slumber, a dark force has invaded their land ready to overtake the Church in this nation, and subdue her ability to openly move. This is why I have sent out the call to My soldiers in this region, so that the Church remains free in this country.

Then lay aside your excuses, set aside every reason your flesh will raise to keep you from rising before the sun and entering into battle, for it is up to My warriors to fight with intercession; to intercede on behalf of their brothers and sisters in Christ.

But it’s not just a few who have been given these marching orders, for every believer who dwells in this land has been called up for duty, regardless of their current circumstances. For again, it is My Spirit within you that enables you to both will and to act in obedience to Me.

Then don’t disregard this charge and think it to be someone else’s responsibility to stand watch. For during this season of the Church, all of My children should consider themselves on active duty, which means I have rescinded “leave” until further notice. Even if your daily schedule is packed to the brim, don’t set this as a limitation, or as a reason for sleeping through the battle. For in the darkest hours of the night, just before the sun rises, is when your warfare is most effective, for the new day has not fully established itself in the lives of men.

Then take some initiative and don’t wait for Me to ask again because you are unsure if I am speaking to you; know that I am! So as you set your alarms to this early hour, set in your hearts a firm intention to rise no matter the sleep lost. For if you will avail yourself to Me, My Spirit will come upon your being and provide all you need for this season.

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.” Philippians 2:13

(Received: 9/19/2020)

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