Built With Bias

by Lori Anne Hale
By their chronological age should not a believers worth or usefulness be measured from Built With Bias | My Daily Letters - MDL

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And so, like a slotted box that is carefully organized to sort like items and keep them from co-mingling with others, separation has come into the Church.

For those who were meant to abide together as a family are now being put into groups according to age, gender, and even similar interests. Yet this current configuration of My Body does not reflect the early assembly described in the Scriptures, as in those gatherings, young and old, male and female, all met together to exhort one another to live righteous lives. But because some church leaders thought it best to divide up My children into these subsections of the whole, this segregation caused relational gaps amongst those who are meant to dwell in unity.

And while this structure is thought to foster a sense of harmony when My children assemble, in reality, this design has opened the way for the enemy to enter in and establish demonic strongholds built with ‘bias’. It is those who have a head of gray hair that are now deemed irrelevant in many congregations and thus are encouraged to meet with those their own age, leaving the younger, both in years and in spiritual maturity, left alone to disciple themselves.

However, this is not the pattern I began weaving for the fine tapestry that would be known as the Church, where physical distinctions are not counted or used to classify a believer’s role amongst their brethren. For at what age did I call Moses to lead My people out of Egypt? Then again, how many years had passed before Joshua and Caleb took the promised land? Both were well past their prime at that time, because, to Me, a willing heart is the only thing that matters, and not the age of an individual.

So then, why is it that within some gatherings, a believer’s worth or usefulness is measured by their chronological age, and those considered old are thought to be past the days of effective ministry; which should be left for the young? And who among My household has the right to disqualify any of their brethren from service when I am the One who decides when the time is perfect for releasing one of My children into their calling?

If the Church is to flourish in this new era, then this ageist mindset must not only be addressed, it must go, without any trace of it left. For if it is not fully dealt with, this dividing wall will only be rebuilt, and remain a permanent structure.

And so this demonic stronghold shall not be left standing, for as a more intense shaking comes against her walls, these works of the enemy will crumble under the pressure, making way for the rebirth of My ekklesia here on the earth.

So while it is true that the young should not be looked down upon because of their youth, neither should the older saints in My Body be set aside because they have reached their golden years.

Therefore, I charge each of My own not to use outward appearance to judge the relevance of your fellow brethren, as I am seeking those who are willing to partner with Me to bring forth My purposes on the earth; including My children who are silver-haired, having already spent most of their allotted years.

“In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” -1 Peter 5:5-6

(Received: 4/16/2021)

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