Call Down Confusion

by Lori Anne Hale
This nation is about to be hit with another surge of violence so Call Down Confusion | My Daily Letters - MDL

In the throws of conflict, there are casualties found on both sides of the dispute, for when the ideologies of man clash, seldom is there a peaceful resolution without the shedding of blood.

And so, onto the streets of America this fight shall once again spill, but, this next engagement will add quite a number of names to the list of those who have already fallen, as on their media screens the world watches the people of this nation rise up against each other over which form of government should rule this country. Because the parameters of the battlefield shall be pushed further into outlying communities, even those who thought they could avoid this conflict are caught in the midst of the violent struggle. For those who vandalized the storefronts and businesses in the previous riots will rampage the suburbs and the outermost parts of many cities.

So then while most of the population has set their attention on just getting through the shutdown, those belonging to these radicalized groups who have already brought chaos and looting are awaiting their orders to attack the cities and towns of this nation.

Then, without any warning, these zealots will charge into the suburbs and out of the way areas. However this time, their rage won’t be so easily cloaked by the words of injustice, for their real motivation will be easy to spot through all the mayhem being caused. They conspire to be the pressuring force that brings America to her knees, where the people of this country plead with their leaders to do whatever is necessary to stop the bloodshed, even to willfully agree to more aggressive enforcement tactics, if it means putting an end to the violence.

So then don’t be misled into thinking these fanatical groups are operating alone, for they are only an extension of a political machine, and, as such, are simply taking direction from a few who are more progressive; those who would rather remain nameless, but yet are directly responsible for funding this angry mob.

However, these who are more influential, are being advised by outside sources on how to overthrow this nation, which is why each wave of attack looks eerily similar to strategies used in foreign nations. Therefore, if My own are paying close attention, they can predict where the next assault shall hit. For what has already been seen and experienced were only warning shots fired across the bow of America. Now that these radicals have had time to regroup and evaluate their efforts, their next assault will be far better organized.

And because these fanatics have been embolden by their earlier terror spree, in some parts of the country they will strike in broad daylight instead of waiting for darkness to come as a means to cover their identities. For these now have no fear of the police or of being arrested, which means there won’t be any lawful boundaries to keep this violent group from terrorizing the nation.

However, what these radicals have not considered is the strength of My army, and the authority it holds over all works of darkness, giving My troops the advantage in every battle. Those in My ranks should remember this: don’t run to your guns and knives, as it’s not the use of physical force that shall stop the rampage of these fanatical groups. Instead, let your first course of action be to attack from a spiritual position, where the enemy is outmatched by your dominating power, for he cannot compete when My soldiers engage with a supernatural campaign.

In their arsenal the greatest weapon believers have is prayer from Call Down Confusion | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, before this next surge of violence hits the country, let My own strike the enemy’s troops with a surprise attack by praying that “confusion would fill the atmosphere over his encampments”, so that disorder and chaos are found in every direction! For if his lines are weakened now, his plan will then start to unravel, leaving most in this radicalized group with a deflated feeling inside.

So declare that “confusion is spread throughout the enemy’s ranks”, both in the spiritual and the physical sense. For this will not only cause a major disruption in his ability to launch an organized attack, but will also limit its duration.

Haven’t My own already witnessed this proven strategy when I brought confusion upon those who sought to destroy My people long ago, who, instead of harming any from My camp, turned in on themselves and brought destruction on their own heads? 

Therefore, let My children not be afraid of the terror that comes by night, or which seeks to intimidate this nation by day. For if those who belong to Me will stand now in agreement with what I have said, and “call confusion down on the enemies heads”, then, as they lift praise to My name, once again I shall answer their prayers.

So start this assault against the enemy now. Then, when his troops line up to march, the enthusiasm for war will have left them, since there is no clear direction for the battle because confusion within their ranks has made it difficult to know who to fight. It will cause many to easily give up since most of the struggle will be in among themselves.

Let’s defeat this insurgence now before they have time to muster their troops so that when they do reform their lines, their efforts won’t have the hoped for effect. Let your feet, therefore, be firmly planted on the Rock of your salvation, having the fullest confidence that the One who saved your soul from the fiery furnace of death can also save this nation from being destroyed. 

Then, to My own, those who call Me Almighty, from your position on the battlefield, “call out for confusion to come“. And as you give thanks to Me for My unfailing love, watch this conflict turn, where the violence shifts to an inward battle, and those who were sent to rain terror down upon the American people will themselves run in fear because I brought destruction upon their heads.

“And they rose early in the morning and went out into the wilderness of Tekoa. And when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.” And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the Lord and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say, “Give thanks to the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever.”And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed. For the men of Ammon and Moab rose against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, devoting them to destruction, and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they all helped to destroy one another.” 2 Chronicles 20:20-23

(Received: 7/11/2020)

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