Catch The Wind

by Lori Anne Hale
To walk through this life God intended for believers to rely on more than the Scriptures from Catch the Wind | My Daily Letters - MDL

The ‘sufficiency of Scripture’ is the argument used by believers who refuse to accept the operation of Holy Spirit in the Church today, for they want a relationship with Me that is tame; one that lets them maintain control of their life.

You see, when some say the Scriptures are enough and believers need nothing more, they have yet to become acquainted with Holy Spirit, or the power He exudes within those who invite His Presence into their midst. I did not send Him to simply illuminate the Word, but also to enliven the hearts of My children with the outpouring of His power within them.

Sadly, many believers (those who have accepted My Son as Savior) refuse to receive the gift of My Spirit, and though He comes to all at the moment of salvation, regrettably, His Presence is not evident in most. This is because certain doctrines which have infiltrated the Church claim that the works of Holy Spirit are outdated, and that He is no longer needed to dwell among the elect; setting Him aside like an unopened present, one that is put up on a closet shelf and forgotten.

As a result, those who have embraced these teachings are, frankly, incapable of walking in their full calling. It’s true that some may have discerned who I‘ve created them to be, but without Holy Spirit’s anointing flowing through their inner man, these will not produce the good fruit I had intended to be harvested by them.

Although many believers look solely to the Scriptures to gain revelation about how they should approach life, many have only gained a superficial knowledge of all that is held within these passages and letters. Without the in-depth discernment from Holy Spirit, they can’t possibly know My will for each situation encountered in their lives, for I have specific instructions to offer which can only be heard with the aid of Holy Spirit. Scripture alone won’t provide this deeper understanding which, in every circumstance, enables believers to be ‘overcomers’.Across the land Holy Spirit is blowing revival so Catch the Wind | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, what is to become of these believers when revival arises in this land? Will these automatically be partakers of the “new” He is ushering in?

Unfortunately, unless Holy Spirit is welcomed in, He won’t linger around. That was the case, as well, in past revivals, when most of those who held to this same type of doctrine (where the Scriptures are preeminent, and any workings of My Spirit are thought to be those of the devil) completely missed what I was doing. Those who today hold this line of doctrinal teaching shall also be passed over in this season of spiritual awakening. Although I would have all of My children caught in His refreshing wind, many won’t accept this movement as authentic, and therefore, shall flat out reject those affiliated with it.

Yet My heart is already rejoicing over those who shall be revived, for these shall be rewarded with the gift of knowing My Presence. So while some will be content to stay in a religious rut, a large multitude of believers shall enjoy a new level of freedom because abandonment shall overtake their hearts when My Spirit comes with His refreshing wind.

Then let My children, both near and far, open their hearts, for the season of revival has come at last. Spend your days, therefore, seeking My face in a position and stance of complete surrender. And though I have asked My chosen to wage an all-out assault upon the enemy, in the quieter moments, offer worship and praise, so that you are caught in His wind when it blows your direction.

View this season as significant, knowing it is important to cast off what is useless; for worship and spiritual warfare should consume your hearts over these next days.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

(Received: 9/1/2020)

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