Clean Out The House

by Lori Anne Hale
The traitors who dwell in the deeper recesses of this government God has come to expose and Clean Out The House | My Daily Letters - MDL

With verbose speeches and grandiose gestures, the arrogant have paraded themselves out in front of the public, donning the attire of “loyalists” to camouflage their seditious garments: the uniform worn by traitors.

So while these turncoats have gotten away with their charade for quite some time, soon not a single one will be able to hide where they really stand. And although there are others who, having become overconfident, have already revealed themselves, in the deeper recesses of this government lies a nest of betrayers: those whose sole mission is to destroy this nation from within.

For too long these have moved about in virtual obscurity, yet their presence has been felt by this people through regulatory restrictions, intentionally enacted to undermine their freedoms. But these shall not remain hidden much longer, for to bring healing and restoration to this nation, it’s not just the political branch I have come to clean out. For I mean to go through each and every level of this government, clearing out as I go any who have conspired against this country.

Like a house that has been left unattended, where rodents were able to infiltrate through the walls and never chased out, these defectors continue to operate covertly. It is not enough just to clear out those vermin who dwell out in the open, for these are just the evidence of a bigger nest buried in the halls and eves, where the more expansive purge must be done. From their positions in the government God has come to clear the defectors and Clean Out The House | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, because these bureaucrats are not readily known to the public, it has been easy for them to maintain their position. And since most on the government’s payroll are very rarely held accountable, these have had no problem maneuvering behind the scenes, unconcerned about being discovered.

So the only way to rid this nation of these pests is to call on the One who is an expert in this field, as it is time to drive these vermin out into the light and expose their treacherous behavior. Then just as I have come to clean out each house, so too have I come to root out those who dwell in the deeper chambers of this government: those who also walk with hearts of rebellion.

Expect to see commotion, then, as I shift people in and out of position. Don’t be surprised when you hear that many of these were tied to the power grab that happened during the election.

Yet instead of applauding their fall, let My children seek My throne for mercy on their behalf. For though some might actually be sent to jail, this should not fill your hearts with satisfaction that justice was served, knowing the sinner’s history should not determine the response from My children, since none of you came to the Cross without blemish.

Then entreat Me on behalf of their souls by asking that I show mercy to even these fallen bureaucrats, for it is salvation alone that should be the desire you hold for any who cross your path.

“Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.” Psalm 130:1-2

(Received: 1/16/2021)

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