Clear The Decks

by Lori Anne Hale
The clutter of unfinished business the Lord is calling to be resolved now from Clear The Decks | My Daily Letters - MDL

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“Clear the decks!” are My orders to the fleet, as more treacherous waters lie ahead. The clutter of unfinished business should, therefore, be resolved now, because some are harboring resentment born out of offense; offense that, if left unattended, will serve to hinder their voyage. Although some will attempt to stow their load below deck as if in a cargo hold, this added weight shall have an adverse effect upon their spiritual buoyancy. For when the bigger waves of adversity hit, those unnecessary burdens shall cause the balance of these vessels to shift, keeping them from making any clear headway.

Yet because, for some in My fleet, this clutter has been allowed to linger, its presence is attached to their lives like old barnacles that, if remain unaddressed, will eventually erode a ship’s hull, leading to further deterioration as the briny waters of distrust and suspicion seep in through the breaches caused by this crustaceous bondage.

Then before raising anchor and setting sail, the Captain has called for a thorough inspection of each vessel attached to His fleet, wherefrom aft to stern, port to starboard, deep introspection is given so that any encumbrances of shallow thinking are left behind: those thoughts that are bound to unforgiveness. For it is then that the bows of each vessel will be lifted, enabling them to cut through the waters of this life with relative ease. 

Therefore, release this old baggage: give it a heave-ho and toss it overboard. For this excess cargo has only served to stymie your spiritual growth and impede your ability to genuinely love others, as you cannot offer to another what you yourself have not known.

Then understand that, in some, a large pile of resentment has built up, acting like a barrier that cannot be penetrated from the outside but must be torn down from within, in order to allow My love to touch the very core of your being. For it is then that you will be open to receive the fullness of My affections.

I have seen (across the entire breadth of My fleet) the weight of resentment added to My ships, for the enemy has been moving quickly to see that his cargo of propaganda is accepted on each vessel’s manifest. Yet because many cannot see the grudges that are forming, they continue to agree with his message of mistrust. And as a result, resentment has spread like an epidemic throughout the Church, plaguing the hearts of My children, because many now have ought with their neighbors (and even strangers), as those who are vaccinated have been pitted against those who are not, and vice versa. 

So then, everywhere resentment is found must be cast off, whether that be towards your fellow citizens who strictly adhere to the pandemic protocols, or to those who do not. Even those grudges which have formed against government officials seeking to oppress the general public with more restrictive measures must be discarded, as it is these harbored offenses which allow the enemy a foothold in your lives. Remember who your real enemy is, for he seeks to conquer through division. And don’t forget that the King whom you serve is the author of reconciliation, which is the attitude that should be ever-present in your hearts. 

So again I say, “Clear the decks!” so that you are then able to extend the love of Christ to everyone, no matter their view on the prevailing issues in the world. 


“A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11

(Received: 12/15/2021

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