Colors Of The Flag

by Lori Anne Hale
Those who love this country are proud of their heritage and the Colors of the Flag | My Daily Letters - MDL

The flag of this nation has been proudly flying since her founding, and has boldly waved over this people for many decades. For even when there was a war between the States, “Old Glory” remained the banner of this country. And though the sovereignty she represents has known a few attacks, both foreign and domestic, this flag has never ceased to symbolize freedom, not only to this land, but to the whole world.

Yet some who live under this standard have lost sight of her significance and the “hope” that this star spangled banner has brought to many simply because they lack any appreciation for their own privileged status that being a citizen of this nation affords them, and, therefore, don’t see the benefit of hailing from this land. However, for most, when they see this national image, it evokes a deep sense of patriotism inside, for those who love this country are proud of their heritage, and are unashamed to call themselves “Americans”, for they know a high cost was paid to continue living under this banner and remain free.

Yet, can anyone see the colors of this flag weren’t just an accident? In fact, the choosing of these shades was divinely inspired, with hues that were a reflection of My Kingdom and the freedom I am able to give.

Then, for those who have eyes to see, let them recognize this to be true, that this bright red scarlet was chosen in remembrance of My Son and the sacrifice He made as the perfect offering for mankind. The blue symbolized the washing away of all those things standing in between: those sinful ways keeping a man from entering into a relationship with Me. And lastly, white is the picture of purity, for it describes the condition of a man’s soul upon accepting the invitation to become one of My children.

So when those who are looking gaze upon this banner, let its meaning go further than just what it represents for this country, seeing the “Stars and Stripes” with a more heavenly perspective, as a representation of the eternal liberty your souls have gained. For if it weren’t for the spilling of blood, neither this nation, nor My children would know the freedom of emancipation, and so should regard this blessing with gratitude in their hearts. 

For her founding fathers understood the innate right of self-governance: that no man should be ruled by another. Because personal freedom was sovereignly enacted, it was not meant to be predicated upon any man-made form of government, and, therefore, should be safeguarded at any cost; for liberty is something easily lost when it is taken for granted, or readily exchanged for comfort. These early leaders established this people to live independently, and without being subjugated by a ruling class.

Then on those occasions when celebrations spring out across the nation, where fireworks are seen in the sky to commemorate her founding, don’t casually regard these displays, but, with a reverent heart, remember the high price that was paid: those lives that fought and died: those strangers who gave their last breath so every generation after them could live freely.

Because of spilled blood the citizens of this nation know emancipation from Colors of the Flag | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, don’t simply let those moments go by without reflecting upon the noble sacrifices offered. For these men and women, like My Son, did not regard liberty a small matter, and stepped onto the front lines, even though it would cost them dearly. Yet, anymore, the legacy these brave souls left behind is almost despised, for some who are high-minded and arrogant believe they know better how this country should be run. What they are after is to strip away her history and freedoms because, in their view, her past is littered with the evidence that she and her people are extremely evil, and so her reign of terror must end.

Yet unlike their predecessors who founded this nation, these in the citizenry that are eager to readily hand over their freedom, have no understanding of what it means to be ruled instead of governed, and so have no qualms about seeing this republic overthrown. Because there is a level of naivety within this smaller group of the populace, they think the “State” to be a better arbiter of freedom than the individual in this democratically elected republic.

In their hearts, it is “fairness” that is driving them forward, and, as a result, they want their leaders to guarantee that no individual has more than another, for these want given to them the same privileged lifestyle as those who worked hard to achieve their wealth and status. And although it has been widely documented that every nation who turns to a dictatorship brings nothing but hardship for its people, these have agreed with the lie that, “This time it will work, because WE are in charge!”. However, this is the same prideful stance which many have taken before, those whose nations are now known for their deplorable conditions, where an overwhelming segment of the population are bound to continual suffering, and only those in charge seem to benefit from the arrangement.

To prefer fairness over freedom (though it initially sounds appealing) will eventually create a nation of paupers, where want is seen on every street corner, and only those who have advanced through the ranks of the “State” live a decent enough life. Because there is a cost associated with being a free nation, one that gives room for both success and failure, some in this land who view this country with contempt believe the republic itself to be at fault for their lot in life, and so disregard any notion of their despair coming from personal choices, or simply the consequences of human failings. Nevertheless, it is equality that they feel has been denied them, and so believe the solution for most of their problems will be resolved once a more equitable system of government is instituted.

However, most who are crying foul against this nation have never lived outside of its borders, and so cannot see how the loss of democracy will affect them, for a large majority of American’s have little to no understanding of how most of this world really lives: those who live in real poverty. For those found in this condition are the truly impoverished because their life is absent the opportunity to change their economic status, leaving them with only a longing, but no way to fulfill their dreams. Those in these circumstances, if given the chance, would gladly swim across any ocean, or travel through a parched desert if it meant they could call this nation home and become a citizen who can claim the stars and stripes as their own.

Therefore, to My children who live in this nation, regard yourselves as truly blessed, for it was by My hand that both you, and this country were formed. Don’t take lightly the freedom you possess, for how quickly it can be stolen away! This is why now, more than ever, it is important to consider the value of your liberty. And as you reflect on this thought, don’t overlook what fortunate people you are, for all who live under this flag have the right to freely associate with Me. 

Then, let words of thanksgiving fill the atmosphere as you ponder what I am saying, for each of you has been given this blessing to openly call Me your Father, without fear of any reprisals. So don’t take this for granted any longer. And when you see “Old Glory” flying high, with gratitude in your hearts, thank Me for bestowing upon you the privilege to live in this nation as My children.

“But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 6:22-23

(Received: 7/11/2020)

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