Come Gather Together

by Lori Anne Hale
Even when our gatherings are smaller, God is still in the midst of His Church from Come Gather Together | My Daily Letters - MDL

The streets of this country are beginning to fill with animosity as the people in many communities become increasingly more frustrated about what is happening during this shutdown.

And so now law-abiding citizens, who are not only trying to keep food on the table, but also keep from losing everything, are being arrested for the crime of supporting their families, or simply opening their businesses to earn a little money. Yet, the government is unyielding and won’t let go of its ground, causing anger to rise in the midst of the population. In time, a greater backlash will be seen as people realize that a lifting of the full lock-down isn’t going to be happening soon. And while some local leaders are pressing their state officials to stop delaying, many of these governors are not budging.

So while it would seem as if the power has gone to their heads, these more progressive governors are taking their orders from those higher up: those whom they consider their superiors. And though these state officials don’t hold a national office, their title empowers them to decide what happens within their state’s borders, so that not even the President can demand they follow his orders. For though he can issue a federal command, a governor can decide not to employ his instructions.

These more progressive governors, that have no intentions of complying with the President’s guidelines for lifting the shutdown, have seized this opportunity to implement an alternative plan for running their states. Sadly then, their constituents will feel the sting of having voted these governors into office. For while quite a few voters have enjoyed the free handouts taken from taxpayer dollars, these have not counted the cost as to what it really means to be fully dependent on the government, where most every decision is taken out of their hands because the government controls how the people live.

Those who reside under the leadership of these progressive governors shall wake up one day soon and find that those they’ve voted in have implemented measures which force compliance or else you’ll ‘pay the price’. When these progressive governors make comments about “tracking” and “identifying” those who have been ill, this means that a government ‘registry’ is being set up: one that requires citizens to be cataloged; for these are planning to increase their hold on the citizens, in order to keep a closer watch on the overall population. Yet, because the people of this nation have tasted freedom, they won’t easily be corralled by the government. Therefore this season shall indeed intensify before it gets better, with many citizens in these bluer states marching out in defiance against both their leaders and the rules they are enforcing.

This won’t, however, erupt like a flash, but will have a slower build because most of the population still believes this temporary shutdown will be over soon. These won’t see what has really happened with their ballot choices until this more progressive plan is well underway. Yet at that point, the dividing line of politics will no longer matter because those in both parties will have been adversely affected, as those who voted these progressive governors into office will realize the foolishness of their decisions.

The current state of our nation is the responsibility of both side of the aisle from Come Gather Together | My Daily Letters - MDL

All will then march in protest, for the turn of events won’t be a ‘left or right’ issue because every citizen is encompassed by the policy changes just ahead. Clash after clash shall come, for this nation shall once again be filled with unrest; where picket signs and loudspeakers are seen and heard on many street corners; where it becomes common to hear of large protests all across the nation. But though there have been these types of rallies before, this time will be different because these demonstrations are in resistance to the planned takeover of America: where the progressive leaders of this government are attempting to turn this nation into a “state” dominated society which seeks to restrict civil liberties and take away innate freedoms, so that personal choice is eliminated, forcing society to answer to those in charge. For then it will no longer be “We the People”, but the people shall be subject to the dictates of the “State”.

Then, the sound of clashing can be heard; not that of bayonets and swords, or other weapons of war, but the clashing of these two forms of government, where a progressive form of rule wants to crowd out the democracy that has always made this nation so powerful and strong. Yet this conflict won’t let up without a few lives being lost, as those who oppose this aggressive takeover will be caught in the line of fire when these leaders flex their muscles by calling in a more militaristic force to shut down those who line up to protest. But just like in other countries where the government tries to squelch any voices of objection, there are always citizens who wind up as casualties.

In some places the clashing can already be heard, as if metal were striking metal: where both ideologies are hitting up against each other. And because there is only room for one form of government to rule this nation, this clash of power was inevitable. Though these two philosophies may appear somewhat compatible (where, in some instances, trading liberty for safety seemed like a sound idea), trying to combine socialism and democracy together is like mixing oil and water: once the water settles, there is always a separation, where the oily hand of “State” rule rises to the surface. Because this more progressive path to government derives from humanistic beliefs, those who embrace it will always be opposed to personal freedom, and therefore will reject any ideals that have roots connected to faith (since these liberties were initially established by Me).

So then the clashing will come…the clashing is here…as the takeover, which had already begun, has now picked up speed with these progressive leaders quickly putting together plans to implement their more liberal changes: those that have the threads of communism intertwined within the very chords they are using to bind the population. For some of the new measures being planned have been copied from nations that rule with this iron fist. And while the new governmental restrictions will be presented with a positive spin, the reality is that these rules are nothing more than the ‘rope of control’ meant to tie each individual into place so that there is nowhere to hide from the strong arm of the government.

But how are My children to respond when their freedoms are threatened? What would I have them do? Should they cease from meeting because the government insists on social distancing and extreme sanitization of their churches? Should they comply with these new orders, or, defy the government and risk being fined? Or, should they forgo larger church meetings for a while and opt for smaller gatherings in their homes? For just like in other countries that have oppressive governments, the American Church is now facing state leadership that is hoping to block their gatherings altogether. However when believers in other nations are restricted from meeting corporately, they seek the shelter of each other’s homes as a way to build community.

American civil liberties is what Progressive politicians want to take away from Come Gather Together | My Daily Letters - MDL

As a remedy, My children in this nation must consider abandoning their fears of catching this illness, and plan face to face gatherings in each other’s homes, where one who is willing invites fellow believers over for communion and a time of worship; where each one brings with them their divine gifts to encourage and minister, one to another.

Yet who would be willing to take this risk? Who would be daring enough to reach out to their friends and host a few hours of fellowship?

Know that it is My desire that My own come back together and regain that sense of community. And though I am not asking them to host a large group, nine or ten will do quite nicely; for even with two or three I am found in their midst. My own should then begin planning some of these quiet gatherings, while the struggle remains to reopen their sanctuaries. My children still need to meet so that the bonds of fellowship can continue, without hesitation or delay over concerns about becoming ill; for these apprehensions are not of My Spirit. Therefore, chase these ideas out and let your hearts meditate on lovelier thoughts: those which focus on the beauty of brotherhood and community.

So then, I ask, “Are there any of My own who are willing to partner with Me in this way? Are there any who would step out in faith and invite others into their homes for fellowship? For I long to hear the voices of My Church joined in worship, lifting My name and rejoicing. But who will agree to My request? Who will say “no” to fear and “yes” to Me? For My children should not stop meeting just because their houses of worship are closed.

Then unlock your doors and take off your masks. Though I am using this season to bring inner development, I still desire that My children come together, as these smaller gatherings will keep My communities intact. Enough with the online group meetings. It is time to gather in person and reconnect with one another without the use of technology. So put aside your computers, and phones, and come together in smaller groups. I promise to be there in your midst because, in these intimate gatherings, the flames of your spirits will be rekindled and stoke the fires of the coming revival. And though conventional wisdom would say “Stay away”, My children don’t operate with man’s logic, but stand in belief, walk in faith, and their choices agree with My will.

So then know that I am happy to see you meet together in each others’ homes, just as your brethren did long ago (even though these faced severe persecution and even death, yet considered the sacrifice worth the risk). For just to be together to break bread and uplift one another was a joy and a privilege to these early believers, and sadly, something that has been lost among many of My children.

During this pandemic God is calling His Church to meet in homes from Come Gather Together | My Daily Letters - MDL

But to restore this intimacy amongst My own is another reason I have left this shutdown in place. For I am not content to leave My Bride in this broken state, where she is missing the close, affectionate relationships that are more than just acquaintances; where the bonds of friendship are built because they have been forged by the work of My Spirit. For if My children are willing to be vulnerable and worship in these smaller groups, then, as all pretense is set aside, they can experience a more genuine expression of My Church.

Let My own, then, gather together. Let them meet one with another, where the joy of fellowship is heard again. Come and gather together again, for this is part of the new I am doing within My Church. So then come, gather together, and worship Me.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

(Received: 5/6/2020)

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