Command Fear To Go

by Lori Anne Hale
With worry believers have no reason to partner from Command Fear To Go | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Be at peace, dear ones, though you are facing a period of growing instability in your nation. For the overreaching hand of the government shall persist, causing an even stronger resistance to rise from within the population, as a large percentage push back against the seemingly endless chain of bureaucratic restrictions being issued from Washington. 

Yet it is becoming increasingly more apparent that the virus has been used as a ruse to ultimately negate the Constitutional freedoms guaranteed to these citizens, as the founding fathers understood that inalienable rights of the individual were ordained by the Highest Authority, and therefore, no governing body, ruler, or king has the authority to overthrow what was sovereignly given.

However, because some who are considered elite have used their influence and power to advance their own worldview, a majority of the world’s leaders now answer to them, which is the reason vaccination mandates are being enacted around the globe. And although their true agenda is thinly veiled in lies portrayed as “safety protocols”, their real intent is much more nefarious, for they have in mind not only to control the movements of each person but also decrease the size of the world’s population, believing they know what is best for the entire human race.

So while this nation has been unlike any other, where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are the birthright of every American, those qualities which set her apart are being stripped away under the false pretense of keeping the population safe. Since the same message of fear is continually broadcast for all to hear, many have been fooled into believing this unrelenting stream of propaganda, and as a result, are willing to forgo their liberty if it means avoiding the tragic scenario being predicted, having yet to count the full cost of losing this privilege to live independently, free of tyranny.

But those who belong to My priestly line needn’t ever be anxious about what will be, for you have Christ, the hope of glory, dwelling within your hearts, and therefore, have the assurance that more awaits you beyond this life.

Then see the current events playing out across the world’s stage for what they really are, and resist the urge to partner with worry, for you have nothing to fear from those who can destroy the body. Instead cast off this distraction, and begin praying from a position of greater understanding, as you who are truly Mine are meant to operate as the real governing body over the earth.

So stand in your rightful authority and command fear to go. Contend against the physical and spiritual oppression this demonic force is unleashing upon your nation, for My children must be persistent in their warfare, as this is the only way to return America back into a land of freedom and prosperity, where the potential to fulfill one’s dreams is available to everyone, regardless of their age, gender, or race.


“You shall not fear them, for it is the LORD your God who fights for you.”  Deuteronomy 3:22


(Received: 9/10/2021)

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