Concentric Circles

by Lori Anne Hale
The pedophilia ring in America is about to be snapped apart by God from Concentric Circles | My Daily Letters - MDL

There are concentric circles which have formed amongst the elite in the nation, where those who are wealthy, or who are celebrities, have linked arms with politicians; connected together like a twisted chain and are all anchored together by their perversion. For these have used their power and influence to engage in illicit behavior, the kind of debauchery that is only known to those who are heavily steeped in sexual sin.

Those associated with this circle of depraved individuals have much to lose should word get out that they, too, were involved in preying on the young and innocent. This is why the one had to die, and his associate will be fortunate if she continues breathing, for those in this ring are looking for a way to silence her, too. And though she is being watched, some who are assigned as her protection can easily be bought off, giving this ring the opportunity to stop her from sharing what she knows, and revealing the long list of the identities of those who participated in sadistic and immoral acts.

However, because some named in this group are well connected to the media, and because some who are considered moguls of that industry, also ran in this circle, much about this story has, therefore, been hidden from the public, or destroyed so that no evidence can be found which ties them to this group of abusers. Unfortunately for them, not every scrap of proof was eliminated, as some, who up until now lacked the courage to speak out, will soon find their voice and offer proof that those suspected of illicit conduct with minors are guilty as charged.

Then this shall be their undoing, as one by one these are gathered up and exposed for their evil ways. And while some have built walls of influence which would seem to make them impervious to these allegations, I am able to shine the light of Truth even on them; for how far into the pit of perversion must a man crawl before I am unable to see his sin? Yet, try as these might to remain hidden, ultimately they can’t escape My view, for I have seen every depraved and sinister act they have committed.

And though a man may think himself cornered when his crimes catch up to him, in reality, I have brought out the truth so that he has the opportunity to confess, and then turn from his evil ways. Yet most can’t see past their shame and guilt which causes them to miss these moments meant to bring inner freedom. For what human failing or sinful act can prevent My love from being poured out, since it is with the simple utterance of repentance that salvation can come, even to those labeled sexual offenders: those who were caught red-handed trafficking children and minors for money?

Then these circles are about to snap apart, for soon the attitude found amongst these high profile individuals shall be “each man for himself,” which will lead some to make deals trying to avoid prosecution, or, to trade information in exchange for a lesser sentence. And some will fall hard, losing everything in the process; for these will be used by lawmakers to set an example for the rest in this country, that regardless of societal status, even the elite will be prosecuted for abusing children.

In every circumstance believers are called to be the Church from Concentric Circles | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then don’t be surprised when news of this circle is finally revealed to the general public, and the rumors of its existence are finally proven; no longer seen as simply speculation. For when I am set to expose the guilty, none can stop this revelation from coming out.

But again, My hope is that when those from this circle come crashing down, that their descent will bring forth repentance. And though it may be a hard pill to swallow, to ask that these abusers are spared from eternal darkness should, nonetheless, be the attitude carried by My own. For even those who have been imprisoned for murderous crimes can know mercy, and rest in My grace so that their souls, too, are destined for eternal splendor.

Then separate the sin from the sinner, and regard these individuals with compassionate hearts who, like their victims, need divine healing; for the enemy has laid claim to all who are involved. So then ask that I break apart this circle, both in the spiritual and natural realms, so that every link in this chain is severed from beginning to end. For then each captive, whether abuser or victim, can be freed from the oppression of perversion that has held them.

So instead of just discussing this matter, or speculating about who might be involved, let your voices be put to good use by speaking life into this grave of broken souls. For My children were called to be the “Church” in every circumstance here on earth, and therefore should be ever ready to intercede for the whole of mankind, even those who, in their estimation, deserve a brutal end because of their crimes against humanity.

Let My own surrender their hearts once again and lay their own feelings upon My altar, as I ask them to not only stand in the gap for these who are sinners, but also that they would seek My face on behalf of the abused connected to this ring, so they may also encounter My love; to be set free from any shame or condemnation that is lingering in their hearts because of the abuse they suffered at the hands of others.

Be instruments of change, and not chattering gossips. For you were each born to this season of adversity with a divine purpose, which is to be Messengers of hope to this dying world. So then take up your authority, and start acting as such; for who else in this world can say they hold the answer to finding real peace and happiness?

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  (Luke 6:37-38)

(Received: 7/13/2020)

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