Crossing The Line Of Compromise

by Lori Anne Hale
A broader gateway of influence for the enemy has been opened through the legalization of recreational substances from Crossing the Line of Compromise | My Daily Letters - MDL

The legalization of recreational substances in this land has opened up the door of permission for the spirit of sorcery to retain a fixed position in this nation. For the unbarring of this gateway has given him the right to expand his influence over its people so that many more can be taken captive through his trickery. So then, even some who walk with Me have yielded to this dark fiend by compromising their hearts, and then, after succumbing to the temptation of his lies, have partaken of illicit drugs.

Because some of My own consider themselves to be wise in their own eyes, a foothold of unbelief has taken up residence within their being, and is the reason they are now found waffling on the edge of following My divine principles. Then, to be accepting of untruth by actively participating in these schemes of the enemy creates the breeding ground for pride to fester and grow, where the justification of worldly choices can be firmly held.

So, if in their hearts some of My children have deemed it “okay” to wander over the line of compromise by partnering with iniquitous behavior (because it has been legalized by man), then how can they make a strong stand on any other of My statutes? Since a convoluted stream of thought has formed leading them somewhat astray, the illumination of the light they carry is lessened considerably, as if a thin cloth has been placed over this flame, diminishing their brightness and ability to shine with any real power.

As a result, the effectiveness of these believers, which can only go so far as the beams of My presence within them, is now cut short, and is only able to fill a very small area of the atmosphere around them. For once they willingly acquiesced to the enemy and indulged the thoughts he was speaking, these believers began to look for watered-down versions of the Truth, searching for Church leaders who would teach weak interpretations of the Scripture that make sinful actions seem not only tolerable but acceptable. So now, where these stand is in a murky pool which “compromise” created. For though there may be the solid foundation of My Son underneath this clouded pond, because lies have been swallowed and ingested, the clear message of My Kingdom is polluted with false words of “concession”.

However, when these believers claim “no harm has been done” by accommodating this little bit of evil in their lives, it is because they need to feel settled about their own unrighteous choices. So, these have formed a more liberal view of My basic principles, with a humanistic bent ascribed to My Son’s teachings, replacing tolerance with the true definition of the love He preached: meaning to them that “Christians” should be more accepting of the vices found in other men and not be troubled by the blatant sin running through My body. For when “to get along” means “to go along”, and it becomes where a heart is stationed, there is usually a hidden agenda motivating these individuals. And so, since somewhere along the way these believers joined the enemy in disobedience because they suffered no physical or immediate harm when crossing the line of compromise, these decided there must be nothing wrong with their sinful choices.

When believers justify sin an internal dialogue of back and forth occurs from Crossing the Line of Compromise | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, what these believers missed was that some of their inner freedom was given up with each untruth they accepted, giving the enemy more influence over their lives. This makes his voice easier to heed because his words are the more prominent noise in their ear. And though My Spirit is ever-present, the sound of My still small voice is obscured by the cloud of lies he has spread. Then, to see their attitude and language cloaked in the arrogance of pride is to be expected, for when the enemy seduced these believers, part of his trap was to fill them with condemnation. So he enticed them with an alluring tale, and when they were hooked, he turned their foolish decisions against them. And yet, these caught in his trap, consorted with pride in order to prop up their mistakes as a way to justify their choices.

But, when it’s apparent that others in My body aren’t of the same mindset as these, a haughtiness manifests and is easily seen, for subtle conviction pricks at their hearts as My Spirit tries to guide these believers back to the full Truth. But because they have become deeply entrenched with “compromise”, an internal “back and forth” dialogue arises, in an attempt to convince themselves that their tolerant beliefs are actually more “Chrisitan” than the confining views of many in My body who have let the stronger boundaries of My Scripture govern their lives. 

Then, those of My children who are not tempted to compromise even a little on this subject of recreational substances (or other worldly vices), are thought to be prudish, as those who sit with a moral prejudice against the ‘lost’ of this world. However, because the believers who have compromised are hyper-focused on condoning unrighteous behavior and of making it more palatable (for they themselves are usually partakers of these deeds), their polluted beliefs have begun to spread and contaminate the hearts of the less discerning amongst My followers. Then to say the legalization of a recreational drug is a step forward for this country is a deception that is already proving itself to be wrong, as many more now can easily be lured into the enemy’s trap of addiction, where their lives become enslaved to a substance.

So, for any of My children to rally around this cause (especially to justify their own disobedience) is a selfish act, since to stumble another by their own behavior is something My children were warned against. Yet, some believers think that making a choice lawful will help clear their own conscience. Unfortunately, guilt cannot be erased without repentance, for man is incapable of releasing himself from the grip of shame. And though I intentionally designed much that is found in Creation to be seeded and grown as a help to mankind, but because of the corruption of sin, those purposes became distorted; even though a plant or herb in and of itself is not evil, it’s how man uses it that becomes the real issue because it is the irreverence he carries in his heart that condemns him.

So believers don't stumble another person, they are warned to guard their behavior from Crossing the Line of Compromise | My Daily Letters - MDL

So, for any of My children to encourage the ‘lost’ to remain in their sin by approving of certain drugs for anything other than medicinal value is not a perspective which comes from My Kingdom. For the higher thinking of My own should be to see those who are hurting and wounded turn to Me for comfort instead of some form of substance. So then, how has promoting this narcotic benefited society? Has it led the hearts of the ‘lost’ closer to salvation? For within My own, this ever-present thought should be found amongst them: How are my actions affecting others and are my attitudes going to cause another to stumble?

Therefore, in matters of substance legalization, voting your conscience should always reflect the superior thought-life of My Kingdom, where the purposes of Heaven are considered first above personal preference, since man’s own heart can mislead him into making selfish decisions. So then, judging another is not the intention behind keeping the ethical and moral boundaries of Scripture as the standards over mankind, but as ‘safeguards’ to keep many of this world from unknowingly being trapped by the enemy. Then My own should embrace the ideas of being “watchmen”, where they keep an eye on the communities they live in, for the enemy will continue to advance his agenda through permissible means because he is after the hearts of the unsuspecting. 

This is why My children should give more time to prayer when making decisions on how the direction of their state and nation should flow; where effort is made to seek My face so that their say is not squandered in ignorance because they neglected to ask My position on these important matters. However, to see the evil that has already been planted in this land be uprooted means that My own must do more than sit idly by and complain. The battle cry of warfare must be heard, as My own engage the dark forces that are connected with this controversial issue, or else the amount of emotional destruction seen in other countries who have adopted a more tolerant approach to man’s vices, will infiltrate and encompass a broader expanse of this nation’s people because making something illicit legal is thought to benefit society as the rationale promoted to reduce crime. 

Yet, just because these choices are no longer seen as criminal does not mean a person participating in these vices is free from the penalty of the Laws of My Kingdom. For if their soul has been imprisoned by some form of corruption, then relief from their burdens cannot come through the mandating of these man-made laws. And unless there is a provocation to change, a person will simply remain chained to these sinful habits without being able to sever themselves from “addiction”. For with a single misstep, those with the proclivity to abuse certain substances will always carry this need… unless it is surrendered to Me. 

Then to see their fellow man released from these chains is the mission for My children. For I have instructed them to go and make disciples of their fellow man. But to do this My own must take seriously their assignment and stop flirting with the temptations found running rampant in non-believers, as living a life still so polluted with this kind of carnality does not lead to the way of freedom My Son has bestowed upon this world. For how can the one who is searching for hope ever find its truest expression when those meant to shine His light dampen their reflective qualities by watering down His message of complete liberty from sin because some of My children still participate in the worldliness of man? 

Seeking and saving the lost is what believers should be continually focused upon from Crossing the Line of Compromise | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, to be more “freethinking” is the stance some believers have taken when it comes to their ideas about the Scriptures. And though My Son fulfilled the Law, and the penalty each person owes has already been paid, it does not mean that My standards have changed. So when My children act in ways contrary to that of a “fellow heir” from My Kingdom, because their righteousness has already been imputed, these are still numbered amongst My chosen. However, the costs to consider are the consequences these immoral choices have on those who do not know Me: those who are watching to see if what My children espouse is really true (meaning what they believe about Me is revealed through their conduct).

Therefore, to My own who think a little dabbling with these illicit substances isn’t an issue, be reminded that your view is limited so you don’t possess the full scope of this land, and cannot see how crossing the line of compromise has affected My body as a whole. So then, a stronger inner stance must be adhered to amongst believers, where My ways are not forsaken no matter how tempting the enemy’s offer; like when resisting his pleas to “just try it, you’ll like it” falls on deaf ears.

For if this hard line of upholding My principles is held within each of My own, then soon, many more will find the road to salvation. For when those who are ‘lost’ see My children living a life of enjoyment, unencumbered by the trappings of this world, they too will want to taste this exquisite freedom, where the relief they have been seeking is found, not in a substance, but in a man who is called “Savior”. 

Therefore, My dear children, understand that the harvest is ready and ripe! Lay aside these worldly distractions and set aside the desire to legalize what should be considered immoral, and instead determine in your hearts to be about your Father’s business which is continually focused on seeking and saving the ‘lost’.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of Truth.”             2 Timothy 2:15

(Received: 1/19/2020)

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