Crumble, Crumble, Crumble

by Lori Anne Hale
Gods judgment those who broker power are about to know from Crumble, Crumble, Crumble | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Just as I brought down Pharaoh’s army when they pursued My people into the desert, so, too, shall those who, in this day, are advancing upon the Church know a similar fate. Woe to any who conspire against My chosen, for these workers of iniquity shall know an abrupt and final end.

Then those who broker in power have been forewarned, for I am about to remove their seats of influence and take away their position at the world’s table, leaving them standing alone, abandoned by even those thought as close allies. Crumble, crumble, crumble! Because the platform they used to build their position was all based upon lies and deception, it has already begun to deteriorate, and shall soon completely crumble around them.

And while from behind their fortified barrier these peddlers of evil pass edicts meant to restrict the freedoms of the Church, nothing they do can prevent the certain judgment I have already rendered upon them, as not a single one of these wicked leaders can escape this guilty verdict.

Then this woman in red who has been a thorn in America’s side shall be thrust out of office, for though she has wielded much power, there is nothing she can do to prevent the sudden end to her reign. So the chair at the top of this house shall be vacant for this woman in red will no longer be seated there. And while this lady in red was elected to office, she has stood in her position with the attitude of a ruler, one who has thought herself a queen in this land. She has presided with this disposition from her elevated seat as if it were a throne, granting favor to those who align with her plans, and any who oppose her she declares, “off with their heads!”.

Out of her seat this lady in red will soon be thrust from Crumble, Crumble, Crumble | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although it’s “the people’s business” that this wicked leader claims to be doing, the only work being done is to bolster her own personal interests, which is why a radical change from the top down is in process. Crumble, crumble, crumble! Like the side of a mountain that has begun to fall away, breaking into smaller pieces as it slides down to the ground below, so shall many of these power brokers be caught in this downturn. For once this motion starts it shall swallow up any caught in its path.

Then expect to hear the names of high ranking officials leaving office in some form or another, for while a few will have no choice but to retire, others will not be so lucky, as those who intentionally targeted the Church will have to answer to Me for their actions.

When will the wicked learn that it is not wise to come against My elect, for they themselves shall be the ones to suffer in the end?

But just so none think I am cold hearted, each of these officials were given multiple opportunities to repent and walk away from their evil ways. However, not a one has taken the lifeline I had offered so that they could be spared the coming judgment. Salvation is still possible for some, but sadly, most from this crowd will choose to remain on the same sinful path.

Yet none from My chosen should become offended by the actions of these high ranking officials, for they have been seduced by dark demonic forces and, as such, have fallen in league with the devil.  Because they have partnered with the true enemy of the Church, these are being heavily influenced by his suggestions; not that they aren’t culpable for their choices, but nonetheless, they have been deceived.

So instead of becoming incensed over their attacks against the Church, do warfare against their evil plot. Then cry out to Me so that the next outpouring of My Spirit flows even in and through the streets of Washington.

“The Lord is slow to anger and great in power, and the Lord will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. In whirlwind and storm is His way, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet.” – Nahum 1:3


(Received: 3/3/2021)

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