Divine Destiny

by Lori Anne Hale
When it falls out of alignment a vehicles chassis must be readjusted from Divine Destiny | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When a vehicle’s chassis is knocked out of alignment, the Mechanic will use the proper tools to readjust its framework so that, when in motion, the vehicle stays true to the right heading.

Then in this new year, I am speaking “realignment” out over the Church. For not only are the lives of individual believers still in need of some repositioning, but many of My flocks, as a whole, have veered in the wrong direction, making it necessary for Me to intervene.

And so while some of My children have already submitted their lives to this alteration process, there are still quite a few who are ambling down an incorrect path. For when I allowed circumstantial challenges to arise, meant to readjust their internal navigation, these of My own refused to submit to this shift, as it would take the courage of faith for them to realign with My will; but sadly their trust in Me still remains at a deficit.

Then because these children did not think to ask if there were greater implications connected to those challenges, they simply addressed each circumstance through the use of their own logic, thinking themselves well-enough equipped spiritually to discern which course of action I would have them take. 

As a consequence, in order to avoid the inevitable damage caused by remaining out of alignment, My hand has come to apply increased pressure upon the entire Church, so that she emerges from this season recalibrated with a fresh sense of purpose, as the impartation of divine wisdom will have brought forth an enlargement of Kingdom vision. So though, for some, this added tension shall only cause some minor discomfort, as these children already travel with a higher level of faith, many believers shall yet endure more intense stretching to bring them back into alignment with My plan for their lives, as most have an inaccurate perception of what that means, and how it is designed to unfold.

However, none should face the days ahead with fear or trepidation. For while there is a guarantee of uncertainty, this news should not dissuade any of My children from yielding to what I am doing now, as this course of action must be taken to see the furtherance of My Kingdom expansion. Then you who are willing to undergo this transformative work shall indeed know the blessing of renewal, for I shall release unto each of you a fresh outpouring of My Spirit, unlike any you have ever known before.

So then, do not despise adversity when it comes to your life. Know that in each of these circumstances lies the opportunity for alignment, so that you stay aimed at the perfect trajectory to see your divine destiny fulfilled.


“Commit your works to the Lord And your plans will be established.” -Proverbs 16:3

(Received: 1/3/2022)

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