Doing Your Father’s Business

by Lori Anne Hale
Out amongst the lost are believers meant to be Doing Your Father's Business | My Daily Letters - MDL

To love one’s neighbor as oneself, who would dare to honor this precept? Who from among My household will take this commandment seriously? Will any of My children, upon seeing the needs in their own neighborhoods, then take action? Or shall My words remain only as a thought but never become the attitude of your hearts?

How different would your communities be if this commandment was ardently applied? Oh, how apparent would be the transformation, for the number of brethren residing among you would then greatly increase, with many true disciples added to My fold. For who can resist the Truth when it is presented by vessels overflowing with the sincere affections of brotherly love?

Yet because the preoccupation with self has spread like a disease throughout the Church, little if any personal concern is shown for the lost. And so the plight of those perishing is all but ignored, as you’ve hidden your hearts behind walls built with disinterest, for within many of you lies a resistance to actually put the needs of another ahead of your own. Ah, but to walk that higher path as followers of Christ demands the denial of self, and any ideas which speak differently come from an opposing spirit. For it is a lifestyle of generosity that you are to live, demonstrated not only with open hands but open hearts as well.

Have you still yet to realize your calling, which is to be light within the darkness? This purpose was given to all who were chosen to be My sons and daughters, yet many of you seem to have lost sight of that and have chosen to settle upon indifference instead of acting in selfless love. It would appear, then, that I must remind My children that loving their fellow man is a command, and not simply a suggestion. Therefore, you must endeavor to do so, for where would you be if the love of Christ had not been expressed to you by another? What wretched condition your soul would be in if you had simply been passed by?

Yes, but how fortunate for you that someone thought your soul of value and so earnestly sought after Me for your salvation. Then should you not do likewise for the stranger, the friend, or even your kin lest they face the harsh penalty you’ve now avoided? Yet, into negligence have many of you drifted with no remorse over your disobedience, for you stand with apathy towards your fellow man, quite unconcerned by the hardship and pain that exists all around you. And while some of you might offer a sharp retort to these words of correction, thinking that service to a “local body” fulfills your obligation to My command, and that others were meant to go out and make disciples from the regenerate, your faulty thinking has led you right into defiance. For when the Master came to survey the land, He found many of His fields unattended.

And so then, shall you continue in this vein, thus remaining on this self-serving path, or will you repent and call upon Me to breathe the fires of deliverance into your neighborhoods? For you were not called to stow away inside your homes, but you were meant to be out in the midst of the lost doing your Father’s business.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” -Mark 12:30-31


(Received: 5/30/2022)

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