Is it not the stumbling block of “self-importance” that is the cause for quite a number of those who now stand as leaders in the modern day church to falter? For surely do many of these pastors and ministry heads think more highly of themselves than they ought. And so do they strut about onstage like peacocks fanning their colorful tails making a spectacle of themselves so as to gain notoriety within My Body.
And while some have fallen into blatant sin, still in others, whose names are right now becoming more prominent amongst the elect, can an air of superiority be found, for these regard themselves as standing in an elevated position above their fellow brethren. As such has the subtle, yet sinful, attitude of arrogance been allowed to creep in. However, their own self-inflated views prevent them from seeing this error in their ways.
Although these of the elect may consider themselves to be generals in My army, none found in My lines should regard themselves as anything more than humble foot soldiers for their King. For while some are entrusted with increased responsibility and walk in greater anointing, this does not mean they hold more importance than any other soldier, thus should they not see themselves as such.
Yet even still are there pastors and ministry leaders who ascribe to that unscriptural ideology of “first among equals”, and so have they intentionally separated themselves away from those they consider to be rank and file believers, having bought into the lie that the majority of their personal interactions should be with those who bear their same level of status, thereby restricting their involvement with the common soldiery to times of corporate ministry.
However, because there still dwells within My children the propensity to idolize human beings, and since the desire for fame can be found within quite a few of those voices that are currently rising to prominence among My Body, the cult of personality continues to thrive, as again are celebrities being created out of some of the elect where none should exist. See then, that because, for decades, this has been the prevailing pattern found in the church, this tendency to celebritize its leaders still persists!
Ah, but have I not previously stated that the era of the celebrity pastor has ended? Then those who are wise would not continue to run after this status. For this endeavor shall only prove to be wasted effort, as the mighty work I am about to accomplish shall occur outside the congregational halls of the modern day church, and shall not be attributed to one person or place. Therefore, no one but Me shall bear the credit, though even now some are seeking to monopolize on certain supernatural events which have already transpired, as these carry a desire to leave their mark on history by having their names remembered alongside certain hero’s of the faith.
“A piece of the pie, a piece of the pie”, do the hearts of these pastors and ministry heads cry. For surely are we due a good portion of the credit for the reported revival which has broken out across the Church! Give us then our fair share of the spoils, for certainly do we deserve to be handsomely rewarded for our efforts!”
But I say to these, “Watch your step!” For the enemy has already set a trap for you, one which shall be unavoidable if you continue to make bargains with the spirit of mammon, and bow to the idol of self-importance. And while you believe yourselves to be wise to the enemy’s tactics, even now have you fallen prey to his lies; for surely have more discerning men than you been caught in his snare.
Then say I, “Quickly turn from your quest to acquire celebrity status, as this is not the path to which I am leading the church. Therefore, do not think yourselves to be on an errand for God, for surely have you conflated your own agenda with My own.”
Hear Me, then, you who walk with the gait of self-importance, as I am issuing to you this day an order to cease and desist, before you, in your arrogance, lead many of My children astray. Therefore, do not think it a trivial matter when you misuse your gifts and anointing to build your own kingdoms, for I take this issue quite seriously.
Then to you pastors and ministry heads who even now are traveling down a path laid with self importance and selfish gain, do I say, “Turn back, or great shall be your fall!”.
“The highway of the upright avoids evil; those who guard their ways preserve their lives. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.” Proverbs 16:17-19
(Received: 10/26/2023)