Ears Of The Inner Man

by Lori Anne Hale
Hearing God's voice from the Ears of the Inner Man | My Daily Letters - MDL

Be still and quiet yourself before Me. For in the quietness of your inner man is where you will find Me, and where you will hear Me speak. Though the voice I am using is not audible to your outer ear, I am still speaking.

Some of My children do not realize this is usually how I connect, as the way in which I choose to communicate. So when attempts are made to hear My voice, it’s their outside ear that is mistakenly used to listen, instead of from within.

I also don’t descend upon you by coming down from the sky; My presence does not work this way. My presence is carried within each of those I call My own; so It rises up from within. My countenance was placed inside you on the day of salvation when My Son was accepted as your Savior, when you took your first step of true freedom and experienced your first moments as My beloved: as a child of My Kingdom.

At that point in time, our relationship shifted from external to internal, becoming much closer on that occasion than you could have comprehended. Now, everywhere you go, any place you roam, I am with you. This is why, when I say, “I will always be with you!”, I am able to stand by My words as a promise. Truly I see and experience every part of life with My chosen, for I am right there, walking through each situation that arises, ready to offer My assistance and guide you towards the correct path, eager to show My love through our interaction.

But so few of My children realize the proximity between us, and of how near they really are to My presence. For I am not a Father who sits away, disinterested in their affairs, ignoring them until something happens, and then only offering attention through scolding. This is not who I am at all…! Nor do I delay an answer until their behavior deserves a blessing. This is not My heart either. I do not withhold for any other reason than My goodness, which waits until the perfect time to act with the answer and does not refuse them because their conduct hasn’t measured up to a certain standard.God's voice speaks from the inside of us in the Ears of the Inner Man | My Daily letters - MDL

So often My children focus on works, believing that once enough is done, they will become pleasing to Me and then move into the right position to receive continual blessings. This is not how I operate, nor how I relate to them.

There is a deeper connection I desire between us, one which sees Me as more than a casual acquaintance and goes beyond the space of just a few prayers.

I long to commune with all of My children, and to share in the deeper things of their heart by becoming the closest of companions. Not as one who comes and goes, but as the ONE who always remains: the one who hears their requests, but also hopes, at some point, that they will take the time to listen to what I have to say regarding their life, and then choose to go about the day following the instructions I have given, adjusting course, when needed, because they are not resistant to My lead.

It is from the inner part of each one where My presence sits waiting, ready to speak to all who have the ears to listen: those who want to hear the message I am bringing, who desire to have a relationship which goes beyond mere friendship, for it carries something more intimate. Because I know every part of their being, I am able to address their deepest wounds and perceive every long-held dream (I even know the number of hairs they have upon their head).

I am a Father who longs to be more involved, who wants to hear the particulars of every situation, and is not bored by anything they have to share. For I cannot express enough about how I long to spend time together, wanting to converse about the variety of areas in their life and then come up with a strategy to bring about the perfect outcome to those places that need a resolution.

This is the desire of My heart….. yes, I have them too! God will speak to those who are listening with the Ears of the Inner Man | My Daily Letters -MDL

How pleasant it would be if My children took the time just to be with Me: to sit in My presence before the start of each day, not uttering a word of prayer, only thankful I am there waiting when they arise; who then sit in the place of stillness, listening with the ears of their inner man. This is My longing, this is My desire: to connect with My children each day in this way, and commune together in the glory of My presence; not just on the days of corporate worship, for once a week is not the plan I had in mind.

A relationship requires time to be given in order for it to develop and grow. It needs attention applied to cultivate it properly. Just as a vine withers and dies if it does not receive the needed care, and is only revived by water and the sun, so it is with any relationship if consideration is not given. It will soon fade away, with one party losing interest. If My children are not intentional about time spent with Me, then other voices will come calling and draw them away, making our relationship only a distant memory; a moment in the past where we were once acquainted.

So while it is today, while you are still able, take the time to seek Me. Spend the morning sitting in My presence. Shut out all the outside voices. Come and sit before Me, and in the quiet of your inner man, if you are listening, you will hear Me speak.

Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. Psalms 51:6

(Received: 7/4/2018)

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