Establishing The Roots Of Belief

by Lori Anne Hale
Opportunities to deepen our faith come in the challenges of life by Establishing the Roots of Belief | MDL - My Daily Letters

The state of affairs in this country is about to shift where there will be a more favorable environment for My people to stand in so that the Good News My children carry will not only be welcomed but well received. Then, what I am doing now amongst My own is preparing them for the days ahead, so that many of them will develop the courage to speak up about their faith because their hearts have become sold out for Me. 

The shaking present in many of their lives is due to what they will encounter in the future, for when the strong and swift wind of change blows across this nation, those who have fortified their roots in Me will be the ones left standing. Therefore, My dear children should recognize that what is happening now is only the precursor for future events, as this governmental system that I established long ago will topple over unless those from My Kingdom take a serious look at the direction its leadership is headed, and then, on their knees, wage an all-out campaign against the enemy.

For it is not through the ballot box that this country will return to its founding roots but by an atmospheric change over every town and city, over every county, and over every state. Then this nation will truly be united because its core will be re-established on My divine charter, where love for their neighbor is the common denominator found in the hearts of its citizens. For the rampant ideology of victimization will have been silenced because many who once considered themselves in this vein experienced the unbiased love of My Son who does not care about gender or race.

So then, an awakening is occurring in My own, as I stir their hearts to deepen their relationship with Me by casting off the lower level thinking of this world; who instead pursue the lovelier principles set forth by My Son, for He is the right and true example they should follow, as His thoughts were only ever towards Heaven. For He sought My will alone and preferred it over His own. This is why My children should follow His lead of obedience by only saying and doing what they have heard from Me.

However, through this intense shaking process, there will be some of My own who will fall prey to the enemy and walk away, for the roots these established when they were first planted in My body did not go past the surface of My rich soil, and so don’t have the internal anchor to remain standing in My fine orchard. Therefore, these will be caught in the torrential rain of evil pleasures that have affected this world (as if a young sapling was pulled away by the raging waters of a deadly storm). So like a flood, the rampant ideas and trappings of man will be too much for some of My own to resist, and because they choose to flirt with these temptations now, when the ground is calmer, digging their spiritual roots further down into My soft terrain has seemed like, at this time, an unnecessary effort. 

Believers should only follow Jesus as their example when Establishing the Roots of Belief | MDL- My Daily Letters

Oh, woe to those who have wandered away, for a life of misery and toil is what awaits them! For whose heart can ever be fully satisfied unless it is captivated by the love of My Son?

Therefore, My children should understand what is coming and that a time of shaking is not meant to harm them, but it comes to break off all that is unprofitable and useless. Then, those who remain standing with Me can only bear the sweetest fruit, the kind that draws the attention of the passerby. So, My own should expect to feel some intense agitation within, as if the ground beneath their feet were moving, for they will soon experience circumstances meant to challenge their faith. Then, these moments are given as opportunities to sink their roots of belief a little further in Me, so as they go through this shaking process it will be My presence that strengthens their inner being and holds them in place; for I never allow a single one to fall who has put their trust in Me.

However, there are still some challenging days ahead for this nation, yet if My people turn away from the ways of this world and come before Me, I will incline My ear toward their prayers, and then do a powerful work in this land. For who can stand against a unified army when it is led by the Highest Commander? What enemy force has the authority to defeat it?

So then, My own should take My words seriously and begin today seeking My face with the intention of making a divine connection, for a “shaking” is coming into My body meant to unearth the weak-minded.

Therefore, those who have ears to hear: Do not delay, thinking you will make time for Me tomorrow! This complacent attitude will not do if you hope to be one whose roots remain lasting. Pursue Me while it is today, for you will reap the benefits of these encounters in unexpected but exciting ways; where an imparting of Truth (which comes from spending time in My presence) will rest in your core with the strength of undeniable faith that cannot be uprooted regardless of how hard the ground shakes. So pursue Me today, run hard after My presence, for I am about to do a mighty work among My people!

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:13-14

(Received: 10/30/2019)

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