Exalt My Name

by Lori Anne Hale
The name of God as Creator and Maker should be lifted above all others from Exalt My Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

To exalt My name is to lift it above all others by proclaiming My distinguished rank as Author: as the One who began all that is. So then, to say the glory belongs to another is to lower My position of Creator and Maker, for many give this credit to a man-made deity, as one who watches over nature and the planet. This means that they’ve been drawn into a distorted form of worship, where their mantra is “save the planet” because creation itself is thought to be an organic being that is about to be destroyed.

As a result, man has simply formed another pagan religion where the earth itself is given the place of honor. This is why some, as their mission, have resorted to more aggressive behavior since they think it’s their responsibility to rescue the earth from the evil clutches of mankind. So, the trees, plants, forests, air, and the waters, and every creature that crawls upon the earth’s surface, are built up as altars they worship, thus making each natural habitat a sacred shrine where anything living within these sanctuaries is to be treated with the utmost respect. This has caused a disconnect and separation from My original intention, which was that My name alone is to be revered (even though man was given dominion over all that creeps and crawls on this planet). 

Yet, because some have misplaced their priorities, a restrictive push has been generated to keep mankind from overpopulating the planet, so that what is thought to be the earliest hierarchy of the earth can re-establish itself. For these believe the interference of human beings knocked the earth out of its natural cycles causing a major shift to be felt in the atmosphere, bringing with it catastrophic changes which, if preventative steps are not quickly taken, will most certainly end this world. 

Since those who worship at this environmental altar have misguided views, it’s not surprising then, to see these bent on preserving nature above all else, and reversing the perceived ill-effects done by the carelessness of man. For though I gave human beings the task of caretakers over the planet, this was a commission and nothing more, which means it’s man’s responsibility to look after all that is living, but not in the sense of “you can look but not touch”. So then, to say that mankind should not be allowed to “hunt and gather” comes from humanistic logic and not the sensibilities of My Kingdom, because I wanted man’s life to be sustained through the plentiful harvest found on this planet. 

Another pagan religion has formed through the efforts to save the planet from Exalt My Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, I do not look down upon any who believe in a healthier alternative of living off of only vegetation and produce. I am also not offended by those who choose to partake of a more protein-based lifestyle, as both have been given to man to keep him alive. So, neither should be frowned upon nor should either form of nourishment be discouraged. Then to say someone is a murderer because they have chosen to exercise this freedom of dominion by consuming what I have supplied is utter nonsense. Although I am not for wasteful slaughter, all that was once thought of as improper to ingest is now included in the banquet table I have set. Therefore, it is nothing but bias to look down on another people group or tribe because they are using the resources I provided to sustain their lives, since the earth and its splendor were not just meant to be admired, but were given as a gift to mankind as the source for his well-being and livelihood.

Then, to elevate what was created above the Creator would be like placing a masterpiece in a higher position of regard than the artist. Although to esteem the handiwork of a person is to be expected, it is foolish to take what was designed and see it as something to be worshiped. Yet, the cry from some in this nation has turned into a demand that unhealthy respect be shown to the earth, where legislation has now been drafted and passed into law putting its citizens at a disadvantage. Since those who reside far away in the nation’s capital decided that the needs of the planet out-weighed the rights of their own people, some of its residents have been unable to freely utilize their own property because of more “environmentally-friendly” regulations. For the imminent hand of the government pressed in and took over, making what it wanted the priority so that if even a small plant or insect is thought to be troubled by the landowner, some in this governing body feel they have the authority to exercise restrictive measures which give dominion back to nature.

Yet, when it serves their own interests, these government officials don’t give any thought as to whether or not their own behavior harms the environment, for very few in this country who are proponents of “clean living” actually practice what they preach. Consider how many of these still drive cars or ride in planes, then again how many use devices that are powered by electricity. Aren’t all of these forms of innovation and technology developed to use the same source of energy?

So then, to talk or debate the subject of saving endangered species (or the planet) is about as far as most of these will go in their efforts, even though in their hearts “creation” is still what they worship. But this is nothing new to Me as over the ages I have seen mankind bow before the false gods of nature: those whose graven images were placed on display so that the multitudes of men could lay their offerings on these shrines of sacrifice. And so, since many believe the same way today (that the earth is living and breathing), and because mankind has misused his power, the planet is now angry enough to strike back through climate change or other forms of environmental retaliation. Then, the right thing to do is pay homage to creation by forcing each human being to live with a smaller footprint or resource usage which, hopefully, will turn the tide of doom that has been forecast for the whole world. 

In order to keep the earth from freezing over or drying up into a virtual wasteland, those governing this nation have made the plea that the ordinary citizen must be willing to give up some comfort; although they themselves will still be allowed to maintain a more opulent lifestyle because, after all, a smaller percentage of the populace using an excess of resources won’t cause any real damage.

The ecosystems of nature have been turned into shrines of nature by some in this world from Exalt My Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

But what happens if their predictions are wrong, and by their estimations, nothing changes? Will these then demand more hardship be placed on the people of this nation? And if man cannot correctly discern what tomorrow will hold, how can he be trusted to know further into the future, as even foretelling how the current day will end is just speculation when the “unforeseen” is bound to happen?

So then, if this is true, who can say with perfect accuracy the events of the future? If man cannot say for certain if next week it will rain, then how can he be thought of as a reliable source in the forecasting of the world’s destiny?

To have a secure future has nothing to do with the planet’s condition or the “so-called” heavy influence of pollution on the environment, since without any warning, major catastrophes have been recorded throughout history. So then to say a cleaner ecosystem will guarantee mankind’s longevity is patently false since each person was only given a limited number of days to walk the earth, and to increase that number sits outside of his will, for I am the One who bestows this allotment of time for a person to dwell in this world. Upon what foundation do those who pontificate and prognosticate about a global disaster being mankind’s end base their opinions? For those who see themselves as the most knowledgeable, still have limited understanding, giving their arguments and assumptions very little weight. Then, how can they possibly know what the planet’s future will hold?

So to those who have listened to these predictions and believed the warnings given, know this: that the ones who are promoting such troubling conclusions have an unhealthy attitude towards their fellow man, and what they are really after is to penalize and punish the overall populace for so-called crimes against the environment. For in their judgment, mankind is to blame for every natural disaster that happens on the earth. Although there are times when man has caused major destruction to certain areas or regions, he does not have enough strength or power to affect the whole world and bring total annihilation of the human race. For it is My hand alone that keeps the world spinning, and My perfect will that decides when life on earth ceases to be. 

Therefore, it would seem a futile effort to give honor or high praise to any other than Me. For, to think the power of reasoning flows from underneath the earth’s surface has no merit because there is nothing alive at its core. So, the idea of “Mother Nature” is just another myth fabricated by the enemy to divert man’s attention off of Me, as I am the One who watches over the world and all its inhabitants. Then, to My name alone should the glory be given, and My true virtues extolled above all of creation.


“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”  Genesis 1:26-28

(Received: 1/12/2020)

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